Lions against buffalo in South Africa

This video from South Africa says about itself:

Lions Bring Down Buffalo | Absolutely Crazy Ending!

23 May 2016

We have had the honor of hundreds of people from around the world sending in their incredible videos for us to share, and each is unique. This one however is one that is just extremely special and plays on every emotion!

Incredible too see how two lionesses from one pride chase the herd into two males from a different pride. The 4 of them are happy to share the meal, however, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” happened to the buffalo when the lioness from the male’s pride comes in and a huge fight breaks out, leaving the buffalo a great opportunity to escape without even a limp.

Taken in the Mala Mala Private Game Reserve in the Greater Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Video by: Ranger Mike

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