Saudi bombing of Yemen continues

This Reuters video says about itself:

Yemen’s doctors, nurses protest Saudi-led air strikes

7 May 2015

Some 200 healthcare providers in the Yemeni capital demand an end to Saudi-led airstrikes, as hospitals and patients suffer from a lack of fuel and medical supplies. Mana Rabiee reports.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Saudi Arabia accused of violating truce in Yemen

Tuesday 12th April 2016

Capital bombed just hours after truce took effect, says de facto government

YEMEN’S de facto government accused Saudi Arabia of violating a United Nations-brokered ceasefire just hours after it came into force yesterday.

A Yemeni army spokesman said warplanes from the invading Saudi-led coalition bombed the capital Sanaa and the central province of Taiz yesterday morning, violating the truce. …

UN special envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed urged all parties to work to ensure that the cessation of hostilities is “fully respected.”

“This is critical, urgent and much-needed. Yemen cannot afford the loss of more lives,” he said. …

More than a year of bombing, escalating to a ground invasion, by the coalition has failed to restore Mr Hadi to power.

But it has killed more than 9,000 people — including more than 3,000 civilians, 900 children among them — and displaced some 2.4 million refugees, according to the UN.

Yemen, which imports 90 per cent of its food, has been brought to the brink of famine by a Saudi embargo, with seven million people now classed as “severely food insecure” by the World Food Programme.

11 thoughts on “Saudi bombing of Yemen continues

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