Hieronymus Bosch’s 500 animals in one third of a painting

This video says about itself:

Hieronymus Bosch‘s “The Garden of Earthly Delights” HD

1 June 2013

“De Profundis Clamavi” composed by Josquin performed by The Hilliard Ensemble.

“The Garden of Earthly Delights” (1490-1510) by Hieronymus Bosch courtesy of Wikipedia.

Bosch‘s wild and bizarre Renaissance masterpiece set to contemporary music.

According to Dutch Vroege Vogels TV today, of famous painter Jeroen (Hieronymus) Bosch 24 paintings still exist today. On 75% of them, Bosch depicted animals.

Just on his painting The Garden of Earthly Delights, Bosch depicted over 500 animals of over 100 species in the left third of this triptych (depicting the Garden of Eden). Probably, in the whole painting there are over 1500 animals.

Two special species in Bosch‘s work are the gadwall duck and the hooded crow. They are the two first depictions ever of these birds in the Netherlands.