British Conservative government in crisis

This video from Britain says about itself:

‘Does Osborne know he’s destroying lives?’. Disgruntled disabled Tory sabotages website

17 March 2016

A life-long Conservative and disability campaigner has quit the Tory party in dramatic fashion by sabotaging part of the party’s website after Chancellor George Osborne cut disability payments in the spring budget.

Graeme Ellis, 58, was so appalled he quit his job and took down the entire Conservative Disability Group website.

Ellis told the Mirror the Chancellor is “destroying lives” by forcing through legislation which cuts payments to disabled people considered eligible to find work.The Conservative Party is facing a major internal crisis over the cuts to disability payments. 20 Tory backbenchers have raised objections amid rumors of a full-scale rebellion.

Parliament passed a £30-a-week (US$43) cut to the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) after the House of Lords failed to stop it. Previous attempts to cut disabled allowances were prevented by peers.

So far the website attack by Ellis has been one of the most vivid displays of anger.Visitors to are now are greeted with a statement reading: “This website is temporarily closed owing to Disability Cuts.”

“The owner of the hosting package Graeme Ellis has resigned over disability cuts from the group and will no longer develop or host this site,” it adds.

Ellis, who is wheelchair-bound, told the Mirror he has spoken to disabled clients who have been left deeply upset.“I would like to say to him [Osborne] – does he realize how he’s destroying lives?

“I’ve had distraught clients on the phone today. I’ve had people in tears worrying about the future. How can I morally represent clients when I remain in an organization that’s doing these cuts?”

The resignation of Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has plunged Britain’s ruling Conservatives into a state of civil war: here.

By Luke James in Britain:

Compassionate Tories?

Tuesday 22nd March 2016

Their record proves ‘compassionate Conservatism’ is just a myth

DAVID CAMERON cynically claimed to be a “compassionate” Conservative yesterday after backing yet another Budget that robbed the vulnerable to fund giveaways for the rich.

The Prime Minister reverted to tub-thumping rhetoric to defend his government amid a furious backlash against cuts to disability benefits that even pushed Iain Duncan Smith to resign as work and pensions secretary.

But Labour said his record of punishing the poor spoke for itself and economists warned working families will be “hit hard” by the latest Budget.

Mr Cameron claimed to lead a “modern, compassionate, one-nation Conservative government.”

And he even claimed: “Despite of having to take difficult decisions on the deficit, child poverty, inequality and pensioner poverty are all down.”

He failed to mention that the government had rewritten the definition of child poverty to hide the true extent of the crisis.

Mr Cameron said:“This government will continue to give the highest priority to improving the life chances of the poorest in our country.”

He rubbed salt into the wounds of the worst affected by adding: “None of this would be possible if it wasn’t for the actions of this government and the work of the Chancellor in turning our economy around.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn asked why the Prime Minister was “still defending a Budget which has inequality at its core.”

He pointed out that the amount cut from disability benefits on Wednesday was the same as handed out to the rich through cuts to the top rate of capital gains tax and corporation tax.

And Labour issued a lengthy document listing dozens of examples when Mr Cameron had failed to deliver on its rhetoric of “compassionate Conservatism” since taking power in 2010.

From the bedroom tax to the hospital beds shortage, Labour said the government has made the “wrong choices and failed to stand up for the most vulnerable in our society.”

A spokesman said: “When David Cameron became Tory Party leader he promised to change the Conservative Party. He has failed.”

Mr Cameron was dealt a further blow by an Institute for Fiscal Studies report whose title asks: “Are we all in this together?”

It said the government’s tax and benefits policies “have resulted in significant losses for those of working age in the bottom half of the income distribution.”


David Cameron is fighting for his life.

This is worse than the position that John Major was in over Europe.

He’s got a slightly better majority than Major but he didn’t have a referendum looming.

The Tories are capable of doing some crazy things to each other. They kicked Thatcher out like a dog in the night.

In all the 40-odd years I’ve been here it’s the only time a party has actually got rid of its leader overnight.

So just remember anything can happen with this mob. I think it’s got the makings of a very big crisis. It could result in the failure of the government if they play their cards wrong.

So this is a very critical period for Cameron, Osborne and their gang. Osborne has already had eight lives and only a cat has nine. He could qualify as a cat burglar.

“COWARDLY” George Osborne ducked the Commons yesterday amid a crisis that threatens to bring down his entire Budget. The Chancellor refused to turn up to answer urgent questions about the status of brutal cuts to disability benefits proposed in the Budget: here.

THE current spectacle of Tory internal warfare tends to contradict the popular saying that “there is honour among thieves.” For thieves they certainly are, albeit publicly licensed ones, having stolen from working-class people, and indeed the nation as a whole, to the benefit of the big corporations and the very wealthy in our society: here.

UK super-rich seize 26 percent of all new wealth since 2000: here.

3 thoughts on “British Conservative government in crisis

  1. Tuesday, 22 March 2016

    ‘Osborne & Cameron must quit’

    TORY Chancellor Osborne refused to appear in parliament yesterday to answer an urgent question on the crisis surrounding last Wednesday’s budget, which cut disabled people’s money to pay for tax cuts for the rich.

    Ducking his responsibilities, Osborne sent David Gauke, financial secretary to the Treasury, to face the music in his place, following calls for Osborne to resign. Labour shadow chancellor McDonnell was granted an urgent question about the budget, following an outcry about the £4bn of planned cuts to disability benefits from all and sundry including leading members of the Tory Party itself, forcing the government to announce that they have retreated on the disability cut.

    Putting the urgent question, McDonnell told Parliament: ‘The budget process is an absolute chaos. It is unprecedented for a government to have withdrawn a large part of this budget and accepted two opposition amendments before it even reached the third day.

    ‘Yet again the financial secretary was sent out to defend the indefensible while the chancellor insults this house by his refusal to attend. Briefly this whole debacle started two weeks ago when this government announced cuts of up to £150 a week in Personal Independence Payments to disabled people. By the day of the budget last week we discovered that these cuts to disabled people had been forced through by the chancellor to pay for cuts in capital gains tax for the wealthiest five per cent in our society and cuts in corporation tax.’

    Tory Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith quit late on Friday night, denouncing disability cuts as ‘indefensible’. McDonnell continued: ‘I agree with the former work and pensions secretary, these are not defensible when placed in a budget that benefits high earners. Which other vulnerable groups is the chancellor considering targeting for cuts?

    ‘If the chancellor holds off the attack on disabled people, a £4.4bn black hole is created in the budget. Isn’t it the prudent thing for the chancellor to do, is to withdraw this budget and start again.’

    ‘Osborne should resign,’ Labour leader Corbyn said earlier yesterday, ‘he put forward a budget that was predicated on four billion cuts to Personal Independence Payments over this Parliament, at the same time proposed tax-cuts at the other end of the scale on corporation tax and capital gains tax. It is not a credible budget, it simply does not add up and I fail to see how parliament can possibly approve it.’

    Vince Cable, ex-secretary of state for business, innovation and skills during the previous Tory-led coalition government, commented: ‘My question is: “What’s David Cameron’s role in all of this?” If he is suppose to be the boss, his finger prints are all over this policy. Osborne and Cameron I think have joint responsibility for this.’


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