Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton update

This video from the USA says about itself:

CNN’s Smug Attitude Toward Bernie’s Supporters

15 March 2016

Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola and Jimmy Dore of The Young Turks discuss Paul Begala’s comments about voters while covering Super Tuesday 3 on CNN. The establishment media continued their condescending attitude toward Bernie Sanders supporters.

All Three Networks Ignored Bernie Sanders’ Speech Tuesday Night, ‘Standing By For Trump‘: here.

This video says:

Hillary Clinton did very well during the March 15th primaries, but what was she really saying in her victory speech? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

This video says:

15 March 2016

Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola and Jimmy Dore of The Young Turks discuss how Bernie Sanders did in the Democratic primary election on Super Tuesday 3. Do you think Bernie still has a chance?

This video says:

Sanders and His Supporters Should Now Call for a Real Political Revolution

16 March 2016

Jeff Cohen says the challenge for Sanders supporters now is to continue the campaign for the nomination, but take the movement beyond the man and find ways to fight Trump without giving up their independence from the Democratic Party.

This video says:

Hillary Clinton Squirms At The Word “Liberal”

15 March 2016

One interesting thing came out of Chris Matthews’s softball interview with Hillary Clinton. He asked her if she’s a liberal. Somewhat surprisingly, she recoiled.

Why Young People Are Right About Hillary Clinton. Listening to the youth vote doesn’t always lead to disaster: here.

13 thoughts on “Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton update

  1. When we started our campaign 10 months ago, Linda, I don’t think you could find a single person who would believe you if you said Bernie Sanders would win nine states by this point in the campaign.

    Last night we beat all the polls in almost every state. We earned a significant number of delegates, and are on track for the nomination. Here’s why:

    What you will not hear from the political and media establishment is that, based on the primary and caucus schedule for the rest of the race, this is the high water mark for the Clinton campaign. Starting today, the map now shifts dramatically in our favor.

    Arizona, Idaho, and Utah are up next Tuesday. Alaska, Hawaii, and Washington State caucus the Saturday after. Then it’s Wisconsin’s turn to vote.

    That means we have an extremely good chance to win nearly every state that votes in the next month. If we continue to stand together, we’re just getting started for our political revolution:

    Make a $3 contribution to our campaign and we can win this Democratic primary, the White House, and take our country back from the billionaire class.

    No one said a political revolution would be easy. We are up against a billionaire class and super PACs that are determined to see us lose.

    The fact remains that Hillary Clinton’s lead will never be as large as it is right now. From here on out we keep chipping away until we take the lead. But that can only happen if we keep fighting, and that’s why your $3 contribution to our campaign is so important.

    The whole country will be watching to see how we respond in this moment. Let’s send a message that millions of Americans are just as ready to fight for an economy that works for everyone as we were when this campaign started 10 months ago.

    In solidarity,

    Bernie Sanders


  2. Here is what Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are doing today:

    Hillary Clinton is attending a fundraiser in Tennessee, a state that already voted, to collect checks from high-dollar donors who are bundling as much as $27,000.

    Bernie Sanders is holding a town hall with voters in Arizona to talk about the issues that matter.

    What about tomorrow?

    Hillary Clinton is attending a fundraiser in Virginia, another state that already voted, to collect more checks from high-dollar donors who are also bundling as much as $27,000.

    Bernie Sanders is holding three rallies with voters, one in each of the states that vote or caucus on Tuesday — Idaho, Utah, and Arizona.

    This is only possible because YOU are Bernie’s donors. No millionaires or billionaires to bundle money from their rich friends. Just you, Linda.

    That’s why we set a goal of raising $5 million by the end of the day today. So long as you’re with us, Bernie can keep talking to voters to build our political revolution.

    Contribute a $3 to our campaign, and we can win every state that votes in the next month and win the Democratic nomination.

    When we send these emails, it’s because only through donations from you is Bernie able to do the hard work necessary to talk to voters and win.

    And when voters hear Bernie’s message in town halls and rallies, they come to his side — and stay there.

    You are our advantage. You are the reason Bernie has done so well against the political establishment and its super PACs. And you are the way that Bernie can win.

    Rush your $3 contribution to Bernie now and help us reach our goal of $5 million raised between Tuesday and midnight tonight.

    Thanks for standing with Bernie.

    In solidarity,

    Jeff Weaver
    Campaign Manager
    Bernie 2016


  3. Pingback: Pfizer, United States big pharma tax dodgers | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. In less than a week, voters in Washington will head to caucus locations across the state to make their choice in the Democratic primary. So Bernie and Hillary Clinton are heading there on Tuesday for dueling events.

    Bernie is speaking at an arena that holds more than 17,000 people, free of charge. Hillary Clinton is going with a more … expensive event, one that costs as much as $50,000 in bundled fundraising to meet her at a private reception.

    Here’s the truth: Bernie doesn’t go around begging millionaires and billionaires for campaign contributions because he believes you can’t change a corrupt political system by taking its money. This campaign is funded by working Americans, and it’s an important week for all of us.

    Tomorrow we find out the results from Democrats Abroad where we should do well. Democrats in three states make their choices for the nominee on Tuesday, and Washington caucuses on Saturday. It’s an important stretch, and that’s why Bernie wants me to ask:

    Contribute $3 to Bernie’s campaign today and we’re going to have a very, very good week, reclaim a number of delegates, and continue on our path toward the nomination.

    Late last week, Bernie drew an enormous crowd of 14,000 in Utah. Huge audiences have showed up to watch him speak at multiple events in Arizona, and he’s spent considerable time in Idaho as well.

    Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton has taken a number of days off the campaign trail to raise money. When you contribute to emails like this one, it allows Bernie to spend his time doing what candidates for the highest office in the land should be doing: talking to voters. That’s why your $3 contribution today is so important — it gives us a real advantage in states where Bernie can spend a good amount of time.

    We’ve had this week marked on the calendar from the beginning of the campaign because this is when the map shifts dramatically in our favor. We’re excited to share some big victories with you in the next few days, and if you continue to stand with Bernie, we can win this nomination.

    In solidarity,

    Jeff Weaver
    Campaign Manager
    Bernie 2016


  5. Pingback: Bernie Sanders wins abroad voters’ primary | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Bernie Sanders wins Utah, Idaho primary elections | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Pingback: Trump, stop abusing Brussels atrocities for Islamophobia, Sanders says | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  10. Pingback: Hillary Clinton and Wall Street | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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