Most popular wildlife Internet articles in 2015

Cephalothrix simula

This photo, by Marco Faasse, shown the originally Asian ribbon worm Cephalothrix simula; found to live in the Netherlands in 2015.

Dutch Internet site Nature Today reports today on their most popular articles published in 2015.

They were:

1. Article on ribbon worm Cephalothrix simula

2. Article on hummingbird hawkmoth

3. How nematodes can fight ticks

4. Rose-coloured starlings in the Netherlands

5. Spider species, new for the Netherlands

6. Which plants are good for butterflies and bees?

7. Oak processionary moth caterpillars

8. New orchid species in the Netherlands: northern marsh orchid

9. Webcams at birds’ nests

10. Washing machines, fungi and health

Also, two pre 2015 articles should have been in the Top 10 of most viewed articles: a 2011 article about the Top 10 insect species in houses; and a 2010 article about ticks’ eggs.

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