Britain’s David Cameron bullies Muslim women

This video from Britain says about itself:

Zahra Al-Alawi’s response to Prime Minister David Cameron‘s statement

18 January 2016

Zahra Al-Alawis response to Prime Minister David Cameron

On Thursday 14th January 2016 Zahra Al-Alawi along with other influential British Muslim women attended a meeting with Prime Minister David Cameron at 10 Downing Street.

On Monday 18th January 2016 the Prime Minister made a statement that Muslim women should learn English so that they can integrate into society in response to some families and communities who speak no or little English to prevent radicalisation.

By Lamiat Sabin in Britain:

PM threatens Muslim women

Tuesday 19th January 2016

Poor English language skills make women ‘more susceptible’ to Isis, claims Esol-slashing Cameron

A “LAZY, misguided and sloppy” David Cameron threatened yesterday to deport Muslim women who don’t improve their English, claiming they were easy prey for Islamic State (Isis) extremism.

The Prime Minister limply stated there was no “causal connection” between language and terrorism before warning that the 40,000 women in Britain who do not speak English — and 190,000 whose English is very poor — are “more susceptible” to the group’s message.

Women arriving in Britain on spousal visas are expected to have English skills at A1 level, equivalent to a native speaker starting primary school, but would need to reach A2 level within two-and-a-half years under his proposals.

Those who fail “can’t guarantee [they] will be able to stay.”

He announced a new £20 million fund in England to boost Muslim women’s language skills — less than six months after slashing £45m from the Esol (English for speakers of other languages) budget.

The cuts have ended the very classes that are designed to help people improve their English, the University and College Union (UCU) said.

Esol has already had its funding for non-apprenticeship courses cut by 40 per cent since 2009.

UCU general secretary Sally Hunt said: “The Prime Minister’s strong words on the importance of learning English simply do not fit with his actions.

“His government has repeatedly cut funding to help foreign language speakers learn English and this money, although welcome, does not go far enough.

“Politicians need to back that rhetoric up with proper funding.”

Mr Cameron visited a project for Bangladeshi women in Leeds to promote his new plans — but reporters were banned from speaking to them, complaining the PM had set up a “propaganda” trip.

Mr Cameron also faced backlash from Islamic groups and former Tory minister Baroness Warsi for singling out Muslim women.

Lady Warsi, the Tories’ first female Muslim cabinet minister, attacked her party leader for his “lazy, misguided, sloppy linking” of language skills and extremism.

She told BBC Radio 4 that his threats of deportation was “a very unusual way of empowering and emboldening women.”

Ramadhan Foundation head Mohammed Shafiq accused Mr Cameron of once again using British Muslims as “a political football to score cheap points to appear tough.”

And Muslim Council of Britain secretary-general Shuja Shafi said Mr Cameron’s aim for better integration “falls at the first hurdle” if he has to bully Muslim women to drive his ideology.

Shadow home secretary Andy Burnham said: “His clumsy and simplistic approach to challenging extremism is unfairly stigmatising a whole community.

“There is a real danger that it could end up driving further radicalisation rather than tackling it.”

ATTEMPTS to link a lack of fluency in English with susceptibility to propaganda from the Isis death cult betray a fixation with scapegoat-seeking rather than community integration. David Cameron takes care to admit that there is no “causal link,” but he knows that conjoining the two in a speech will encourage people to believe that there is: here.

UK government proposes to set up Muslim-only jail: here.

6 thoughts on “Britain’s David Cameron bullies Muslim women

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  4. Tuesday, 29 March 2016

    NUT rejects the ‘Prevent’ policy

    THE National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Brighton yesterday voted unanimously for the scrapping of the Tory ‘Prevent Strategy’.

    Delegates condemned the government’s ‘anti-extremism’ policy, saying it creates ‘suspicion and confusion’, stops teachers discussing ‘challenging ideas’ with pupils and encourages a ‘climate of over-reaction’ in which pupils are mistakenly reported and police called.

    The motion demanded the government withdraw the Prevent Strategy for schools and develop an alternative approach. Lisa Tunnell from Chesterfield said Prevent ‘disproportionately targets Muslims’, while fears about pupils being reported to the police means schools are not able to have ‘honest and open’ debates.

    Gary Kaye from north Yorkshire said students want to talk about major events in the news, such as terror attacks, but schools have become uncertain about what can be debated and teachers are being used as the ‘secret service of the public sector’.

    Commenting after the debate, Christine Blower, NUT General Secretary, said: ‘The NUT believes there is a moral obligation on schools and teachers to protect children and young people against extremism of whatever nature. The union does, however, have some concerns regarding aspects of the current Prevent Strategy.

    ‘The NUT supports the call from the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation, David Anderson QC, and many others, for a review of Prevent. Evidence shows that grooming by extremist groups happens mainly on social media sites, not on school premises. Schools’ best contribution to countering any behaviour that could be a problem is by encouraging discussion.

    ‘Some aspects of Prevent inhibit this and it is for this reason that we need a review of the strategy to find the right, and best way to protect children and young people. The NUT is calling on the government to involve the profession in developing alternative strategies to safeguard children and identify risks posed to young people.’

    Commenting after the debate on Motion 41 on Racism and Migration, Blower said: ‘Schools and teachers play a key role in welcoming migrant and refugee children and young people to this country, and supporting their progress within schools.

    ‘The NUT condemns the government’s inadequate response to the current migrant situation, which has exacerbated the suffering for so many, including school-age children and young people. The NUT has produced a guide to Welcoming Refugee Children to your School and has a dedicated section on its website for teaching resources which have been provided by teachers for teachers, on the issue.

    ‘The NUT will continue to work with Show Racism the Red Card, Hope Not Hate and others, to campaign for government policies that welcome migrants and refugees to this country. The NUT will also continue to press for anti-racism work to be enshrined within the curriculum of all schools.’


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