Save African vultures

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Saving Nature’s Clean Up Crew – BirdLife’s Campaign to conserve African Vultures

13 October 2015

Most vultures are teetering on the brink of extinction across Africa. Considering the vital role they play in preventing the spread of life-threatening diseases, we must do everything we can to save these unsung heroes.

Vultures are misunderstood. They are the bringers of life, not the takers. They are the cleaners of your world.

Vultures are the halters of disease – stopping the spread of anthrax, botulism, rabies and tuberculosis.

Vultures are the sentinels of your skies – they point the way for rangers to find poachers.

For centuries, vultures were revered for they are vital.

But now, vultures are persecuted. They are being poisoned, hunted and exploited.

Vultures are disappearing because they are misunderstood.

Some vulture populations have declined by 98%.

In 2015, BirdLife International declared four African vulture species to be on the edge of extinction.

You are the most powerful species on this planet – use your power to change, use your power to act.

To act now, visit here.

West African Ambassadors endorse BirdLife’s Vulture Campaign: here.

African vulture pilot study aims to reduce poisoning deaths: here.

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