‘Kill the gays bill’, after Uganda, the USA?

This video from the USA says about itself:

Jeff Sharlett, author of “The Family” and Rachel Maddow discuss the secretive Republican “C Street House” run by a bizarre conservative Christian group.

As an addition to the earlier post on this blog about United States Christian fundamentalists The Family, also known as The Fellowship; translated from Dutch daily NRC Handelsblad, 6 February 2010, paper edition, page 4, article “Het geheime netwerk van Christus” (Christ’s secret network):

Asked about the recent affair in Uganda, where Family activists have proposed the death penalty for homosexuals, Stephen Haines

son of Family leader Wallace E. Haines jr.

says: “My father probably would have supported that. He always felt very strongly that gays should be punished.”

From daily The Independent in Britain today:

To counter the ‘kill the gays‘ proposal, an activist in California has proposed an ‘Intolerant Jackass Act’

Posted 2 hours ago by Evan Bartlett

This week we reported on the unfathomable news that a Californian lawyer had proposed a bill that would legalise the murder of lesbian and gay people in the state by “bullets to the head”.

Somehow, the Sodomite Suppression Act will actually be put to a signature-gathering stage because under Californian law, anyone who pays a $200 (£134) fee can put forward legislation without it being blocked by the attorney general.

In the unlikely event that Matt McLaughlin’s proposal gathers 365,880 signatures, it will be put to a ballot in November.

However, in much cheerier news, utilising the same loophole, a former politician and community activist plans to propose the Intolerant Jackass Act which brilliantly skewers the original.

The bill proposes that anyone found guilty of suggesting an act to kill gay people “shall be required to attend sensitivity training for at least three (3) hours per month for twelve (12) consecutive months. In addition, the offender or ‘Intolerant Jackass’ must donate $5,000 (£3,367) to a pro-gay or pro-lesbian organization”.

Speaking to Slate, Charlotte Laws explained that although she doesn’t necessarily expect her counter-bill to be passed, she decided she had to “fight fire with fire”.

“The only way to counter [the Sodomite Suppression Act] is… to let people know that most people in California don’t agree with something as incendiary and hateful as what this one attorney proposed.

We have a very open-minded state and country. This is one guy, and there are millions of us who do not agree with this.”

Charlotte Laws, activist and former politician

5 thoughts on “‘Kill the gays bill’, after Uganda, the USA?

  1. Pingback: Kill gays, Israeli Chief Rabbi says | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Friday 7th July 2017

    posted by Morning Star in Britain

    Homosexuality still illegal in 36 Commonwealth countries

    by Felicity Collier in central London

    HOMOSEXUALITY is still illegal in 36 out of 52 Commonwealth countries, delegates at the annual TUC LGBT conference noted in a motion calling for it to be decriminalised.

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Sexual Offences Act 1967, which partially decriminalised male gay sex in England and Wales.

    RMT delegate John Shackleford proposed a motion calling on Commonwealth secretary-general Baroness Scotland to remind the countries where homosexuality remained illegal that they are committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and cannot avoid implementing protections with which they disagree.

    The next Commonwealth heads of government meeting is due to take place in Britain next year, and delegates were calling for Baroness Scotland to highlight their commitment to equality and respect “for all without discrimination on any grounds” because they “cannot be implemented selectively.”

    Teaching union NASUWT delegate Patrick Pope told the conference that he had been in Uganda in 2013 when a new law against homosexuality was passed.

    He said he had to hide his own sexuality after his tour guide declared that he was in favour of introducing the death penalty, in place of life imprisonment, for anyone who is not heterosexual.

    In support of the motion, PCS member Saorsa Tweedale questioned the lack of support for LGBT people oppressed and punished by Commonwealth governments.

    She added: “We should be working with workers to help them organise themselves,” rather than working with their oppressors.

    At the conference, Labour MP Stephen Doughty also highlighted the fact that same-sex marriage remains illegal in several European countries.

    The MP for Cardiff South and Penarth called for an end to discrimination worldwide and pledged to continue his parliamentary work in that area.

    He is a campaigner against the brutal detention and torture of LGBT citizens in Chechnya.

    Noting that it was also the 40th anniversary of the first TUC conference for LGBT rights, Mr Doughty added that he would oppose any attempts by the ultra-conservative Democratic Unionist Party, which is propping up the Tory minority government, to undermine existing LGBT rights in Britain.



  3. Pingback: British government persecutes LGBT refugees | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Kill the gays, United States preacher preaches | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: United States Republican-Christian fundamentalism-anti-Semitism connection | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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