Detroit water shutoffs again

Tim Rivers from the USA writes about this video:

13 September 2014

After a brief pause, water shutoffs to poor residents resumed in Detroit last week. Speaking at the city’s West Side payment center and along the waterfront downtown, residents denounced the city’s drive to shut off water service to its most vulnerable people. Residents noted that the growth of economic inequality paralleled the increasingly dictatorial character of American society.

Victims of water shutoffs and public health experts testified this week on the impact of the city’s policy during a hearing at a US Federal bankruptcy court. They provided details of the health danger and the human suffering caused by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department’s (DWSD) campaign to shut off as many as 150,000 households for late payments: here.

The Daily Show skewers Detroit over water shut-offs: here.

Next month, Detroit city officials plan to resume shutting off water to tens of thousands of residents. Nearly 30,000 households that cannot afford to pay their water bills are scheduled to receive shutoff notices, affecting perhaps one in seven residents: here.

21 thoughts on “Detroit water shutoffs again

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    By MOHAMMED AL A’ALI , Posted on » Saturday, June 13, 2015

    MANAMA [Bahrain]: People could be sentenced up to a year in jail and fined up to BD2,000 if they have improper unstandardised electrical appliances or illegal unauthorised connections.

    Parliament will vote during Tuesday’s session on a government-drafted amendment to the electricity and water law, originally proposed by parliament, that would see such offences considered as crimes.

    Under the amendments, recommended by parliament’s public utilities and environment affairs committee, jail sentences will be between three months and a year, or a fine between BD1,000 and BD2,000, or both.

    If the offence is repeated then the jail term doubles to be between six months and two years, the fine between BD2,000 and BD4,000, or both.

    The ministry concerned will be given the right to issue on-the-spot fines for offences committed per resident in homes that have non-related family members or labour camps of five or more.

    In the case of violation, the Energy and Water Authority has the right to immediately cut power, with it also applying to those who miss bill payment deadlines.

    MPs are also set to have discussions on increasing divorce rates in Bahrain in the presence of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister Shaikh Khalid bin Ali Al Khalifa.


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