Turkish deputy prime minister says women, stop laughing

This video is called Laughing Women.

Translated from nu.nl in the Netherlands:

July 29, 2014 11:59

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister does not want women to laugh publicly

”Women should not laugh in public.” That said Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç this Monday during a speech about moral decline in Turkey.

Turkish Hurriyet Daily News reported this this Tuesday.

During the speech Arinc stressed the importance of morality for men and women.

Mr Arınç has just provided women (and men) in Turkey with a very good reason to laugh.

One might expect people to laugh forever with such people in government … if there would not be also be reasons to cry, like about the unsafe labour conditions in Turkish mines privatised by the government, killing hundreds of miners in disasters.

A speech made by the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister urging women not to laugh in public in order to “preserve morality” has sparked a backlash on social media from women posting defiant selfies of themselves laughing at his remarks: here.

4 thoughts on “Turkish deputy prime minister says women, stop laughing

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