Domestic violence and quackery in Bahrain

This video, recorded in the Netherlands, says about itself:

BAHRAIN: Human Rights and Press Freedom: Mohammed al Maskati | البحرين

Mohammed al Maskati, President of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights talks in Amsterdam’s Theater de Rode Hoed about the situation in his homeland. ( 2 May 2014) – Bahrain is an oil-rich Arab state in the Persian Gulf region. Since early 2011, the country has experienced sustained protests and unrest inspired by the regional Arab Spring, particularly by the majority Shia population.

In a dictatorship like Bahrain, rational discussion to solve problems becomes more difficult. In such a situation, various kinds of frauds see a chance of making lots of money with fake solutions.

From Gulf Daily News:

Battered wives are conned by ‘witches’


Posted on Sunday, May 18, 2014

BATTERED wives are spending thousands of dinars on “witch doctors” who practise black magic to discipline their abusive husbands, according to a leading Bahraini expert.

Psychiatrist and behavioural science specialist Dr Sharifa Swar said an increasing number of domestic violence victims were turning to scam artists, who claim to have supernatural powers, to force their husbands to love them or stop them from physically assaulting them.

She told the GDN the victims were often educated women who were desperate to end their ordeal.

“Victims of domestic violence are using all sorts of weird ways to stop the abuse such as turning to witchcraft or black magic,” she said.

“One popular trick doing the rounds is the magic coffee by which a ‘witch’ can tell you what the future holds for you.

“The person has to drink Turkish coffee prepared by the ‘witch’ following which the cup is taken and placed upside down and using witchcraft they will see the remnants of the cup to know your future.”

Dr Swar went undercover as an abuse victim to investigate the issue and said she found that at least seven witch doctors, who often use verses from the Quran, were running a “successful” scam.

“I have personally visited these places and witnessed how these frauds misguide or do fake rituals to convince highly educated women,” she said.

“I understand the victims are frustrated because of the long court process, trouble between the families and other issues, but that does not mean they lose their senses.

“They actually think their husbands can stop beating them by visiting these fraudsters.”

She said some of the women she treated had spent more than BD4,000 on witchcraft.

“It is a good business for these people who charge anything between BD5 to BD2,000 and promise these women they will end their troubles,” she added.

“They create weird tables and write random things inside them and tell the victim their problems will soon end or their husbands will stay in the house without abusing them.

“I know a woman who in two years spent over BD4,000 as fees for black magicians located outside Bahrain.”

Dr Swar spoke of a case in which a woman was told that her aunt was doing black magic that affected her marital life.


“This lady did not speak to her aunt for over 20 years until she realised it was a big lie,” she said.

She said witchcraft was becoming increasingly popular with some people openly advertising on social media networks to attract more customers.

“We need the victims, families and the society to understand that such fake healers will not stop violent husbands,” she stressed.

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5 thoughts on “Domestic violence and quackery in Bahrain

  1. I walk my dog daily, on my recent walk a women who is a dog walker and runs a fairly competent business, told me how another women in my town could see the future and ghosts, and she is willing to pay money for this service, what I understand as to what ghosts are is a strange phenomena, even so peculiar that I find, their cultural values create a wide gulf between me and them, this is not to say I on a collision course of ideas with some one, after all its their experience but not mine and as such to dispute with what is or is not is beyond me.


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