Again, refugee boat disaster in Greek waters

This video says about itself:

Tragedy with Refugees in Farmakonisi, Greece

21 January 2014

Greek coast guards drowned the refugees pushing them back to Turkey. 3 women and 9 children were drowned in this incident.

While there is some reasonably good news about birds in Greece (and other countries), today there is bad news about human beings in Greece.

From ANSA news agency in Italy:

Greece: at least two dead as migrant boat sinks off Samos

05 May, 10:01

ATHENS, MAY 5 – At least two people have drowned and another 30 are missing after two boats crammed with immigrants trying to illegally enter the country sank in the eastern Aegean Sea, as daily Kathimerini online reports quoting Greek authorities. A coast guard said in a statement the vessels foundered off the island of Samos near the Turkish coast before dawn Monday. It said 36 people were rescued from the sea. A cruise ship, coast guard vessels, fishing boats and two search and rescue helicopters are combing the area for more survivors.

The nationalities of the migrants are unknown.

Many refugees trying to reach Greece in small unsafe boats are refugees from wars in Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere.

Later, Deutsche Welle reported that “Officials said at least 18 people drowned and 36 were rescued”.

Die Zeit in Germany writes that at least 22 people drowned and seven are still missing.

Amnesty International slams Greece over push-back of migrants at borders: here.

New report condemns Greece’s policy on Syrian refugees: here.

MEDECINS Sans Frontieres (MSF) warned today that thousands of people face dreadful holding conditions after risking their lives in smuggling boats to reach Greece’s Aegean islands. MSF said men, women and children, exhausted and often soaked from the crossing, spent days sleeping outdoors or squashed in tiny police cells before being moved to the Greek mainland: here.

EU and Greece Turn Backs on Refugees: here.

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12 thoughts on “Again, refugee boat disaster in Greek waters

  1. Pingback: Again, refugee boat disaster in Greek waters | Ώρα Κοινής Ανησυχίας

  2. GREECE: A yacht and a dinghy crammed with immigrants capsized in the eastern Aegean Sea today, leaving at least 22 dead, including four children, and several more missing.

    The vessels had been trying to enter Greece illegally when they overturned before dawn off the coast of the island of Samos near the Turkish coast.

    The Greek coastguard said 36 people had been rescued.

    Survivors told the coastguard between 60 and 65 people had been on the 30-foot yacht and the six-foot dinghy when it set off from Turkey.


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