Endangered North American butterfly fights back against climate change

This video is called The Endangered Quino Checkerspot Butterfly.

From Wildlife Extra:

Endangered butterfly fights back against climate change

April 2014: The endangered Quino Checkerspot butterfly, found in Mexico and California, is defying climate change by adapting both its habitat and diet, a study has revealed.

The butterfly suffered dramatic population collapses during the last century along the southern edge of its range in Baja California as a result of climate change and agricultural and urban development.

But rather than heading toward extinction the butterfly has adapted to the changing climate by shifting to a higher altitude and changing its host plant to a completely new species.

Other species have been seen changing either habitat or diet to cope with a changing climate but the Quino Checkerspot may be amongst the first butterfly species to change both.

Professor Camille Parmesan from Plymouth University, explained:

“Quino today is one of the happy ‘surprises’, having managed to adapt to climate change by shifting its centre of abundance to higher elevation and onto a plant species that was not previously known to be a host.”

See also here. And here. And here.

Murdoch-owned media hypes lone metereologist’s climate junk science: here.

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11 thoughts on “Endangered North American butterfly fights back against climate change

  1. 1
    NYC Thursday May 29 7PM A Revolution Against Climate Change
    Fri May 23, 2014 12:42 pm (PDT) . Posted by:
    “Williams Camacaro” bosanovanuevoyazul
    On Nov. 4th. to 7th. 2014 Venezuela will held the first world public forum on Climate Change. This forum which is organized by Venezuela is part of a process of negotiations from the United Nations and constitutes a space where the people of the world can contribute in the construction of a new climate agreement which will be decided on in 2015. Social PreCOP of Climate Change will create a precedence in the manner in which participation takes place from social actors in multilateral forums.

    Brian Tokar has been an activist, author and a well-known critical voice for ecological activism since the 1980s. He is currently the director of the Institute for Social Ecology and Lecturer II in Environmental Studies at UVM. Brian’s books include The Green Alternative (1987, revised 1992), Earth for Sale (1997), and Toward Climate Justice: Perspectives on the Climate Crisis and Social Change, published in 2010. He edited two books on the politics of biotechnology, Redesigning Life? and Gene Traders, and co-edited a recent collection, Agriculture and Food in Crisis: Conflict, Resistance and Renewal (with UVM Professor Emeritus, Fred Magdoff). He is a senior advisor and board member of 350-Vermont, and his articles on environmental issues and popular movements appear in Z Magazine and Green Social Thought, and on popular websites such as Counterpunch, ZNet, Alternet, and Toward Freedom.

    Claudia Salerno Caldera is the Venezuelan Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs for North America. She is also the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. She is a long time environmentalist and holds a Ph.D. in international environmental law.

    John Jay College 524 West 59 Street (Between 10 & 11 Street) Room L63 May Thursday 29 @ 7PM phone number: 212-237-8000
    This lecture hall is located in the new Building Lobby level

    This event is open to the general public / No charge.

    Sponsor by Latin American & Latina/o Studie at John Jay College, Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle NY.

    Anyone who wants to sponsor this event please let us know:cbalbertolovera@gmail.com





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