Rare pied kingfisher in Bahrain

This video is called Pied Kingfisher catching fish in split second – BBC wildlife.

From Bahrain comes much bad news about ill-treatment of humans. And about ill-treatment of animals.

This time, good animal news from Bahrain.

From Birds of Saudi Arabia:

12 Jan 2014

Pied Kingfisher & Common KingfisherAlba Marsh (Bahrain)

Whilst ringing at Alba Marsh over the weekend I saw a Pied Kingfisher at the marsh. The bird flew over and perched on top of one of the net poles but did not go into the net. Pied Kingfisher is a scarce winter visitor to Bahrain with the last record I know of being a bird at the same site in winter 2011/12. I have only seen a single bird in Saudi Arabia at Sabkhat Al Fasl in winter the same winter as the Bahrain bird above. Along with the Pied Kingfisher were at least three Common Kingfishers and although I did not photograph the Pied Kingfisher I did get some pictures of the Common Kingfishers. Other good birds seen included a Marsh Sandpiper, one Common Redshank, 10 Black-winged Stilts, four Little Bitterns and a Marsh Harrier.

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16 thoughts on “Rare pied kingfisher in Bahrain

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