US war drone kills Afghan child

This video is called NATO airstrike kills Afghan children.

Reuters reports:

Afghan president condemns U.S. airstrike that killed a child, wounded two women

KABUL Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:14pm GMT

Afghanistan‘s president Hamid Karzai said U.S. forces had bombed a home in Helmand killing a small child and wounding two women on Thursday and condemned the attack as another sign of disregard for civilian life, his spokesman said.

The strike could not have come at a worse time, as Karzai is engaged in a stand-off with the American government over a bilateral security agreement that will help shape the presence of U.S. troops in Afghanistan after 2014.

“It shows that U.S. forces have no respect for the decisions of the Loya Jirga and life of civilians in Afghanistan,” said Karzai’s spokesman, Aimal Faizi.

Karzai says U.S. drone strike killed child, won’t sign security deal if similar attacks continue: here.

KABUL, Afghanistan — The American military commander called President Hamid Karzai to apologize for a drone strike in southern Helmand Province, which the military conceded had killed and wounded civilians, a coalition official said on Friday: here.

Despite strong objections from President Hamid Karzai, the United States insists that Afghanistan must sign, as written, a Bilateral Security Agreement that sets the framework for another decade of US occupation of that war-torn nation. According to the terms of the proposed accord, the United States will be able to maintain up to nine military bases, along with 8,000–12,000 troops (and a smaller contingent of European and other forces), through 2024. Over Afghan opposition, the agreement states that US troops will not be subject to Afghan law for criminal acts – even war crimes. Among the sensible points raised at the eleventh hour by Karzai: that US forces be prohibited from conducting night raids of Afghan homes and that Washington start peace talks between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Taliban: here.

Civilian drone deaths triple in Afghanistan, UN agency finds: here.

When most U.S. forces leave Afghanistan, contractors may stay: here.

Afghans’ Planned Prisoner Releases Anger U.S.: here.

37 thoughts on “US war drone kills Afghan child

  1. Excellent post. How can there be anything but hate and contempt for America in that part of the world? Or anywhere, for that matter?
    It’s long over due to stop this insatiable need for war!! I weep too ….


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