CIA made doctors torture

This video about the USA says about itself:

CIA Torture Dr. Gets Contract

15 Oct 2010

The government keeps rewarding contracts to private security firms like Blackwater, despite the murder, fraud, drugs, and prostitutes, as if there’s no one else available to do the job. And today famed psychologist Martin Seligman, whose theory in many ways was the inspiration for the CIA’s interrogation program during Bush. But it turns out earlier this year the Army awarded a contract to the University of Pennsylvania where Dr. Seligman works. Mark Benjamin investigative reporter with explains the bases of the CIA’s torture process that was inspired by Seligman.

From daily The Guardian in Britain:

CIA made doctors torture suspected terrorists after 9/11, taskforce finds

Doctors were asked to torture detainees for intelligence gathering, and unethical practices continue, review concludes

Sarah Boseley, health editor

Monday 4 November 2013

Doctors and psychologists working for the US military violated the ethical codes of their profession under instruction from the defence department and the CIA to become involved in the torture and degrading treatment of suspected terrorists, an investigation has concluded.

The report of the Taskforce on Preserving Medical Professionalism in National Security Detention Centres concludes that after 9/11, health professionals working with the military and intelligence services “designed and participated in cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment and torture of detainees“.

Medical professionals were in effect told that their ethical mantra “first do no harm” did not apply, because they were not treating people who were ill.

The report lays blame primarily on the defence department (DoD) and the CIA, which required their healthcare staff to put aside any scruples in the interests of intelligence gathering and security practices that caused severe harm to detainees, from waterboarding to sleep deprivation and force-feeding.

The two-year review by the 19-member taskforce, Ethics Abandoned: Medical Professionalism and Detainee Abuse in the War on Terror, supported by the Institute on Medicine as a Profession (IMAP) and the Open Society Foundations, says that the DoD termed those involved in interrogation “safety officers” rather than doctors. Doctors and nurses were required to participate in the force-feeding of prisoners on hunger strike, against the rules of the World Medical Association and the American Medical Association. Doctors and psychologists working for the DoD were required to breach patient confidentiality and share what they knew of the prisoner’s physical and psychological condition with interrogators and were used as interrogators themselves. They also failed to comply with recommendations from the army surgeon general on reporting abuse of detainees.

The CIA’s office of medical services played a critical role in advising the justice department that “enhanced interrogation” methods, such as extended sleep deprivation and waterboarding, which are recognised as forms of torture, were medically acceptable. CIA medical personnel were present when waterboarding was taking place, the taskforce says.

Although the DoD has taken steps to address concerns over practices at Guantánamo Bay in recent years, and the CIA has said it no longer has suspects in detention, the taskforce says that these “changed roles for health professionals and anaemic ethical standards” remain.

“The American public has a right to know that the covenant with its physicians to follow professional ethical expectations is firm regardless of where they serve,” said Dr Gerald Thomson, professor of medicine emeritus at Columbia University and member of the taskforce.

He added: “It’s clear that in the name of national security the military trumped that covenant, and physicians were transformed into agents of the military and performed acts that were contrary to medical ethics and practice. We have a responsibility to make sure this never happens again.” The taskforce says that unethical practices by medical personnel, required by the military, continue today. The DoD “continues to follow policies that undermine standards of professional conduct” for interrogation, hunger strikes, and reporting abuse. Protocols have been issued requiring doctors and nurses to participate in the force-feeding of detainees, including forced extensive bodily restraints for up to two hours twice a day.

Doctors are still required to give interrogators access to medical and psychological information about detainees which they can use to exert pressure on them. Detainees are not permitted to receive treatment for the distress caused by their torture.

“Putting on a uniform does not and should not abrogate the fundamental principles of medical professionalism,” said IMAP president David Rothman. “‘Do no harm’ and ‘put patient interest first’ must apply to all physicians regardless of where they practise.” The taskforce wants a full investigation into the involvement of the medical profession in detention centres. It is also calling for publication of the Senate intelligence committee’s inquiry into CIA practices and wants rules to ensure doctors and psychiatrists working for the military are allowed to abide by the ethical obligations of their profession; they should be prohibited from taking part in interrogation, sharing information from detainees’ medical records with interrogators, or participating in force-feeding, and they should be required to report abuse of detainees.

Since September 11, 2001 medical professionals under the direction of the CIA and the US Department of Defense were ordered to disregard the core “do no harm” principles of medical ethics in their dealings with detainees held by the US in the so-called “war on terror.” Health professionals were required to engage in practices which included “designing, participating in, and enabling cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment” of prisoners: here.


Exposed: American Doctors and Psychologists Engaged in Frightening Torture Programs Since 9/11: here.

A 542-page independent report made public by the New York Times on Friday implicates the American Psychological Association (APA) in the CIA torture program. The devastating report, prepared by a team of attorneys led by former federal prosecutor David Hoffman, not only exposes the involvement of psychologists in torture, but also lifts the curtain on years of lies, conspiracies, and cover-ups reaching to the top of the APA and academia: here.

40 thoughts on “CIA made doctors torture

  1. it’s about time the truth was told here.
    What the USA did was morally wrong in any language. The USA has went backwards, lost so much money because they failed their people. They had their heads in World affairs. Check my last blog please. This shows what happens when a GOVERNMENT WORKS FOR IT’S PEOPLE! The same people who voted them in.

    The USA needs to focus on it’s own people and stop treating ANY American as a terrorist for questioning the way the Government works..



    • Thanks for reblogging!

      I fully agree that the US government policies on torture etc. are wrong. However, I would not contrast the British government favourably to the US government. They participate in the wars in Afghanistan etc. They did/do their own torturing in Iraq etc. (and in privatized prisons in the UK). Their GCHQ participates with the US NSA in spying on many millions of people all over the world. And their “economic recovery” is basically a PR exercise. As far as there is an “upturn” it is basically an upturn for fat cat bonuses etc.


      • I hear you. What I meant was, even thought the UK is not as clean as anyone, we kept policy to keep our country and people happy as well as whatever shit they did. I blogged the other day about British Gas (Private Company) rising prices 9% or so. So we are NOT PERFECT..But we are close. We are not poor and we are doing what Government should be doing. Making sure our country functions. And it does. A few soldiers got jailed in the UK for Torturing so called terrorists.
        For me they will do that anyway…
        I think the people are happy, and jobs are coming back, the housing markets are picking back up and we have a good Government in place. We kept our house in order. What my Country does away from the UK is whatever. As long as us people are looked after..We didn’t go to Syria, so we learn not to follow the USA into illegal wars with no mandate to do so.

        And trust me, I live here, people are going back to work, banks are loaning, housing markers are improving and the country is starting to work. We can all see it. The UK spies of course they do. What big country doesn’t. We are not perfect.
        But in a year from now. Scotland will be independent and away from any War Machine and spying machine..
        As things stand, the economics and Math work well for an independent Scotland.

        How did we get onto this debate? 😀
        This was about the USA and how it is FUCKED..

        But I see your point, 100% I do..


        • Hi Sean, you raise lots of points 🙂

          One point: the UK indeed did not go to war in Syria. But that was not due to David Cameron, who wanted that war very much. It was because of massive popular opposition against these war plans; which led to rebellion among even Conservative and Liberal Democrat backbench MPs.

          Similar popular opposition in the USA led to the US government not bombing Syria as well (one should hope it stays that way).


          • I think public pressure also, he knew we didn’t want it and he know the mistake Tony Blair (Labour Party) made going Iraq. War with Syria would be 10x worse than any of the Iraq wars. We all know it.

            And yeah, let’s hope out Governments keep listening.
            I just can’t wait to get Scotland out of this fucking mess..

            xx Hugs xx


            • If Scotland will get independent, then the Scottish National Party has promised the nuclear weapons will go.

              I hope they will keep that promise (recently, the SNP dropped its “Scotland out of NATO” point, much against the will of many of its supporters. If an independent Scotland would be a NATO member, then there would be NATO pressure to keep the nuclear weapons).


              • I am lead to believe the English would ask Scotland to keep the 4 Military sites that are up here. Air force, Navy and Army. The game changes all the time. I am awaiting a mandate from the SNP..Just so I know what I am voting for. I want independence, but not for shit reasons…
                News was good last few days, people are back to work, banks are loaning, people are selling houses…

                See how things pan out..I guess early next year HARD campaigning will get going. It will be messy, I suspect there will be riots in the South/West where it is almost Northern Ireland for Religious and Political reasons..
                I don’t think the SNP never wanted to be in NATO…
                The way it works here is WE decide all this…
                Whenever a big decision is needed to be made, the Government has a referendum, we had one on “Do we want to be part of the Euro Financial Currency” And the country voted no..
                So any BIG decision like, example American Gun Control and Obamacare. If these 2 issues were in the UK/Scotland, the country would vote on it, and it would pass/fail on our vote..

                Frreeeeeeeeedom 😀


      • Despite what the government says, Britain is not on the road to recovery, writes KATY CLARK MP

        The Chancellor of the Exchequer was recently heralding a 0.8 per cent increase in gross domestic product as a recovery.

        Growth of any amount should not be attacked in the context of the longest recession since the Victorian era.

        However growth of this level is pitiful, and no sign that the government’s policies are working or that the country is on any road to prosperity.

        The very rich may be getting richer and property prices in parts of London may be soaring again, but in most parts of the country and for most people there is no sign of things getting better.

        The government is keen to portray their politics of austerity and the privatisation of public services as leading to a flourishing of enterprise.

        However the reality is that ordinary people are making real sacrifices, with public services being cut, wages slashed, underemployment on the rise and people struggling to survive on ever-reducing welfare payments.


  2. Reblogged this on Looking for reasoning to a complicated world and commented:
    Why the USA is in the state it is in. Lies, not caring for it’s people and being the worlds police. The Government failed the people. Sadly I don’t see a way back. This blog NEEDS to be seen and read. It shows the tactics used by the US Government under Bush and from then on were immoral, unethical, and just plain wrong. Y’all need to get this Government and the people within the buildings out!


    • Yes, the German “Befehl ist Befehl” defence was not accepted at the post-1945 nazi crimes trials. However, the Pentagon and CIA should not order doctors or psychologists to violate their professional ethics “because you’re in uniform now”.


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  4. My question is why didn’t the military doctors stand down and refuse to violate their medical oaths? There would have been consequences but the headline implies that the doctors were forced by the CIA and military to torture. Was a gun at their heads too? Just wondering.


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