Konik horses and barn swallows, video

This is a video about a big konik horse herd, living in Oostvaardersplassen nature reserve in the Netherlands.

And about a barn swallow nest there.

The video is by Henk E. Groenewoud.

“Rewilding horses in Europe” – why, how, which and where? Here.

Big herbivorous mammals in Oostvaardersplassen: here.

Five additional Bosnian Mountain Horses have been released into Croatia’s Velebit Mountains to join the existing herd in an effort to help biodiversity in the region. The Bosnian Mountain Horse – a close descendent of the now extinct Tarpan, and Przewalski’s Horse – is considered endangered, with only around 200 individuals remaining: here.

21 thoughts on “Konik horses and barn swallows, video

  1. Very kool. Of course I loved the horses 😉 and I really, really liked the up close detail on that dragon fly and seeing the moths suck the nectar from the flowers. That was really neat! How often do you get to see that? Very awesome! Thanks! 🙂


    • My pleasure 🙂

      You are indeed very lucky to see that many beautiful things shortly after each other 🙂 Maybe, like in many documentary films, the filmer used montage. Though all scenes were shot at the same place: Oostvaardersplassen; and on the same day: Saturday 24 August.

      All the best for you and your blog, Serenity!


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