Fukushima radiation worse than ever

This video is called 300,000 litres of radioactive water leaking into the Pacific – Fukushima.

From The Japan Daily Press:

Fukushima bay radiation levels highest since measurements began

Posted on August 20, 2013 by John Hofilena

Reports from Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), operator of the disaster-stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, say that measurements of radioactive tritium in seawater – seeping out of the nuclear complex via groundwater into the sea – show levels at 4700 becquerels per liter, the highest tritium level in the measurement history. The highest tritium levels have come in the past 15 days, the same reports show.

TEPCO also revealed that the highest levels of radiation in seawater were detected near reactor 1. Previous measurements showed the levels at 3800 becquerels per liter near reactor 1, and 2600 becquerels per liter near reactor 2, but the measurements have been showing increased radiation levels in the past 2 weeks. This increase in the harbor’s seawater has been continuously rising since May, reports said.

Also on Monday, another leak of highly contaminated water was discovered from the valve of a tank dike on the premises of the nuclear plant, adding to the multiple leak issues that the plant has had since TEPCO started the cleanup job on the facility. With this leak, radiation levels at the site again increased to 100 millisieverts per hour. The safe level of radiation is 1-13 millisieverts per year. The valve was said to have been left open so that rainwater can flow through, helping the TEPCO workers spot any radioactive leaks. TEPCO has since closed the valve as soon as it was discovered that radioactive water was flowing through it, instead of just surface and rainwater.

Operator of crippled Japan nuclear plant says tank leaked contaminated water — Reuters: here.

TEPCO Press Release – Water Leak at a Tank in the H4 area in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: here.

Toxic puddles found near water tanks at Fukushima plant — The Japan Times: here.

Airborne radiation rising at Fukushima Daiichi — NHK World: here.

About 300 tons of highly radioactive water have spewed out of one of the hundreds of storage tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear power plant, operator Tepco admitted today: here.

27 thoughts on “Fukushima radiation worse than ever

        • One may ask: should nuclear reactors be built at all, now that the nuclear waste problem etc. are not solved?

          IF one says Yes to that question, then should one build a reactor in an earthquake prone country like Japan?

          IF one says Yes to that second question, then should it (Fukushima) be built by General Electric, better at making money for fat cats than at safety?

          IF one says Yes to that third question, then should it (Fukushima) be owned by TEPCO, better at making money for fat cats than at safety? And linked to Yakuza criminals, and to corrupt politicians?

          IF one says Yes to that fourth question, then should TEPCO lie to the people about the extent of the disaster, and be allowed to get away with lying by the government? Etc.


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