BP oil still polluting United States beaches

This video from the USA is called Gulf Oil Spill: BP Execs Escape Punishment as Disaster Continues To Impact Sea life. 1 of 2.

And this video is the sequel.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

Eco-activists slam end of tar searches

UNITED STATES: Environmentalists criticised a coastguard decision to stop running specialist searches for tar balls left by BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010.

Clean-up crews had conducted regular searches of beaches in Alabama, Florida and Mississippi.

The National Wildlife Federation said a million barrels of oil from the spill remained unaccounted for and people were still stepping in tar balls regularly.

Oil giant BP is waging an offensive on multiple fronts to evade culpability and reduce settlement payments in connection with the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico: here.

BP reneges on claims as environmental devastation persists in Gulf of Mexico: here.