European Union homophobia

This video is called STOP HOMOPHOBIA! (International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia 2012).

Translated from NOS TV in the Netherlands:

Anti-LGBTQ discrimination widespread

Update: Friday, May 17, 2013, 08:56

Discrimination against gay men, lesbians and transsexuals is widespread in the European Union, researchers say. About half of all respondents felt in the year before the survey that they had been discriminated against or harassed because of their sexual orientation.

Lesbians (55%), respondents aged 18-24 (57%) and people with the lowest incomes (52%) had experienced this most. 90 percent of those did not report the discrimination to the police.

The results of the survey in all EU countries and in Croatia will be discussed in The Hague today to mark the International Day Against Homophobia.

Greece: Report says gay activists and supporters are targets of ‘violence and threats from extremists and supporters of the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party’: here.

French President Francois Hollande signed into law a Bill authorising marriage and adoption by same-sex couples on Saturday: here.

Britain: Youth groups in Salford staged a thought-provoking photo exhibition dubbed Don’t Assume to help promote International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (Idaho).

Britain: A string of Christian academy schools were outed today for banning in policy the “promotion” of homosexuality: here.

Following a meeting with the Lithuania Gay League, John Dalhuisen, Europe and Central Asia Director at Amnesty International, said: “It is appalling that despite domestic rulings in favour of Baltic Pride organisers, the city of Vilnius has decided to ban the Baltic Pride march, in blatant violation of the right to freedom of assembly of Baltic Pride’s organisers and other participants: here.

Clashes break out during a rally to mark the international day against homophobia in Tbilisi, Georgia, on Friday. Thousands of conservative ultra-Orthodox supporters broke through heavy police cordons, clashing with gay rights activists: here.

Russian parliament passes anti-homosexual laws: here.

Britain: A Christian bed and breakfast owner today lost her appeal against a ruling that she unlawfully discriminated against a gay couple by refusing them a double room: here.

Three schools reintroduce Section 28 style ban on ‘promotion’ of gay issues: here.

“I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven.” – Desmond Tutu: here.

Richard Cohen’s Extensive History Of Racism, Sexism And Homophobia: here.

US Methodist church convicts minister for officiating at son’s gay wedding: here.

Kidnapped for Christ” is a compelling new documentary that follows the experiences of several American teenagers after they were kidnapped from their homes and shipped to Evangelical Reform schools located in the Dominican Republic. Many of these teenagers’ parents discover their children are either gay or experience same-sex attraction, and are sent to “therapeutic Christian boarding school[s]” in order to “transform into healthy Christian adults” in an environment outside of U.S. law: here.

20 thoughts on “European Union homophobia

  1. Anti-gay protesters attack gay activists

    GEORGIA: Anti-gay protesters attack a bus containing gay activists being taken out of central Tbilisi today by police to protect them from thousands of bigots who had threatened to lash any participant in a gay pride parade with stinging nettles.

    Police took several dozen gay activists out of the city centre shortly after they arrived at the gathering but failed to prevent scuffles which left 16 people injured.

    The anti-gay protesters, including Orthodox priests, held posters reading “We don’t need Sodom and Gomorrah” and “Democracy does not equal immorality.”


  2. In May of 2012 President Obama became the first sitting president to endorse marriage equality. Later last year, the first openly gay person was elected to the U.S. Senate.

    Yet today, in 2013,it is still legal in 29 states to be fired for being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. That is simply unacceptable.

    Fortunately, there is legislation to combat this injustice.

    The Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) bans workplace discrimination against our LGBT neighbors, family, and friends. This common sense legislation is both fair and straightforward; the bill simply disallows anyone from being able to be fired based on who they love.

    Unfortunately, House Republicans are again getting in the way of progress.

    Join me and call on Speaker Boehner to hold a vote on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in the House: Click here to add your name >>

    If we’re going to truly stamp out workplace discrimination, we will need your help to hold the House Republicans accountable.

    Help me call on Congress to do what is right.

    Sign your name here >>

    Thank you for standing with me.

    John Conyers, Jr.


  3. President concedes to gay professor

    CZECH REPUBLIC: President Milos Zeman said today that he will no longer block a university professorship for a gay rights activist.

    President Zeman has been under fire after suggesting that his reason for denying promotion to literary historian Martin Putna was his participation in a gay festival.


  4. Grenada: Senate president Lawrence Joseph said today that the Caribbean island should reconsider its laws prohibiting sex between men.

    Mr Joseph said “the day is fast approaching” when Grenada and other conservative English-speaking Caribbean countries will need to scrap anti-sodomy laws “to fall in line with the mainstream” and for fear of sanctions by wealthier countries.


  5. Thousands join Amsterdam gay pride

    NETHERLANDS: Rainbow flags flew from scores of Amsterdam buildings as tens of thousands joined the city’s annual gay pride celebration on Saturday.

    At the centre of the festivities was a boat flotilla sailing through Amsterdam’s ancient canals.

    Notable floats this year included a boat organised by the Dutch Football Association, carrying former top players including Patrick Kluivert and Ronald de Boer.

    Tolerance for homosexuality is a point of pride in the Netherlands, which in 2001 became the first country to legalise gay marriage.


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