Best Moment Award, thanks Tazein, Shaun and Khalil!

Best Moment Award

RULES of the Best Moment Award:

Winners re-post this completely with their acceptance speech. This could be written or video. Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awards! The re-post should include a NEW set of people/blogs worthy of the award; and, winners, notify them the great news!

  • What makes a good acceptance speech?
    • Gratitude. Thank the people who helped you along the way
    • Humour. Keep us entertained and smiling
    • Inspiration. Make your story touch our lives
  • Display the award’s badge on your blog/website


First, I would like to thank Tazein and Shaun and Khalil for nominating me for this award. Thank you so much, my dear blogging friends!

These kind nominations came just before Dear Kitty. Some blog reached the milestone of 200,000 visits ever since moving to WordPress. When I had to move my blog once again in December 2011, I never expected that (I had eight visits then, on my first WordPress day …). Thanks, all of you!

Finally, a bit of humour.

Blogging, cartoon

My nominees are:

1. aristonorganic

2. Blue Hyacinth Operetta

3. Vagabond Virginia

4. This Labyrinth I Roam!

5. Fit To Work: Poets Against Atos

6. Expressions of my life – An evolution of art

7. ramblingpainter

8. ~ Loredana Milu ~

9. pindanpost

10. orisphoto

21 thoughts on “Best Moment Award, thanks Tazein, Shaun and Khalil!

  1. Thanks you so much for the nomination! I still feel like I’m getting used to the blogging world so this is really an honor!


  2. Pingback: Best Moment Award, thank you Dear Kitty | aristonorganic

  3. Pingback: Wonderful Team Member Readership Award, thanks Tazein! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Best Moment Award, thanks Tazein! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award, thank you Khalil! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  6. Pingback: Shine On Award, thanks Shaun and Tazein! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  7. Pingback: Best Moment Award, thanks Khalil and Barbara! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Pingback: Seed of Light Award, thanks Tazein! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  9. Pingback: Best Moment Award, thank you Tazein! | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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