Chicago coyotes faithful to their mates

This video from the USA is called Mama coyote catches large cutthroat trout in Yellowstone.

Courtesy of Ohio State University in the USA and World Science staff:

Street coyotes more faithful than people, study suggests

Sept. 25, 2012

Coy­otes liv­ing in ur­ban areas nev­er stray from their mates—they stay to­geth­er till death do them part, ac­cord­ing to a new stu­dy.

Sci­en­tists say the find­ing sheds light on why the North Amer­i­can cous­in of the dog and wolf, which is orig­i­nally na­tive to deserts and plains, is thriv­ing to­day in metro­pol­is­es.

Re­search­ers with Ohio State Uni­vers­ity who ge­net­ic­ally sam­pled 236 coy­otes in the Chi­ca­go ar­ea over a six-year pe­ri­od found no ev­i­dence of polygamy—of the an­i­mals hav­ing more than one mate—nor of one mate ev­er leav­ing an­oth­er while the oth­er was still alive.

That was true, the sci­ent­ists said, even though the coy­otes live in dense­ly packed pop­ula­t­ions with plen­t­iful of food, con­di­tions that of­ten lead some oth­er mem­bers of the dog family to stray from their nor­mal mo­nog­a­my.

“I was sur­prised we did­n’t find any cheat­ing,” said study co-au­thor Stan Gehrt, a wild­life ecol­o­gist at Ohio State. “Even with all the op­por­tun­i­ties for the coy­otes to phi­lan­der, they really don’t.

“In con­trast to stud­ies of oth­er pre­sumably mo­nog­a­mous spe­cies that were lat­er found to be cheat­ing, such as arc­tic fox­es and moun­tain blue­birds, we found in­cred­i­ble loy­al­ty to part­ners in the study popula­t­ion,” he added.

The re­search ap­pears in a re­cent is­sue of The Jour­nal of Mam­mal­o­gy.

Coy­otes’ loy­al­ty may be a key to their suc­cess in ur­ban ar­eas, Gehrt said. Not only is a fe­male coy­ote nat­u­rally ca­pa­ble of pro­duc­ing large lit­ters of young dur­ing times of plen­ty, such as when liv­ing in food-rich ­ci­ties, she has a faith­ful part­ner to help raise them all. “If the fe­male were to try to raise those large lit­ters by her­self, she would­n’t be able to do it,” said Gehrt. “But the male spends just as much time help­ing to raise those pups as the fe­male does.”

Smaller treefrogs are more likely to “cheat” their way to a mate, French scientists have found. The team studied the response of differently sized European treefrogs to a chorus of mating calls: here.

Sadistic Coyote hunter at work: here.

27 thoughts on “Chicago coyotes faithful to their mates

  1. It seems that the creatures that learn to live inobtrusively amongst humans are the ones that will survive. And those that use teamwork even more so. Foxes in the UK have been becoming increasingly urbanised in the last few decades and they are also highly social team players. And they’re thriving too.


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  3. I should have known you were the source of this information. I mentioned this to a blogger in the comments section but couldn’t remember the source. Thank you & thank you! Twice!! Since you are now my news source, I should have known!


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