Rara national park in Nepal

This video is called Wildlife Nepal.

From BirdLife:

Saving Rara for the future

Mon, May 28, 2012

Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN; BirdLife Partner), the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, and staff from the BirdLife Secretariat (Cambridge, UK) recently conducted field surveys at Rara National Park (10,600 ha) in the west of Nepal to assess and value the benefits (‘ecosystem services’) that the Park and surrounding Buffer Zone provide to people. Rara is one of Nepal’s 27 Important Bird Areas (IBAs).

“The park is important for the Cheer Pheasant, a globally threatened and restricted-range species and the lake is a valuable staging post for migrating wetland birds”, said Durga Poudel, Chief Warden, who welcomed the team and helped to organise the local logistics and plan the field work. It also supports Red Panda, Himalayan Musk Deer, Asiatic Black Bear and Clouded Leopard.

2 thoughts on “Rara national park in Nepal

  1. Pingback: Snow leopard news from Nepal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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