Clouded leopard cubs video

From the Zooborns site about this video from the USA:

Today we check back in on the Nashville Zoo‘s playful trio of Clouded Leopard cubs. Because of high infant mortality rates, these cubs are being hand-raised by Zoo staff. Nashville Zoo participates in the Thailand Clouded Leopard Consortium, which leads a multi-faceted conservation program that includes a viable self-sustaining breeding program.

April 2013. After an unsuccessful 13 year search for the Formosan clouded leopard, the species has been officially declared extinct. The last known sighting was in 1983 by a hunter, though a few reports of pugmarks persisted into the 1990’s: here.

National Zoo Clouded Leopard Cubs Grow Up and Chow Down: here.

Snow leopards may be called leopards, but they’re most closely related to tigers: here.

Thriving Snow leopard population discovered in Afghanistan: here.

AN illegal trophy hunt of a leopard, implicating a South African hunter, is being investigated by Namibian authorities: here.

Also in Namibia: FOUR men got N$1 000 bail on a charge of illegal hunting of a rare and expensive yellow blesbok ram on their neighbour’s farm at Driedoring between Kalkrand and Mariental: here.

2 thoughts on “Clouded leopard cubs video

  1. Pingback: Rara national park in Nepal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Did big cats evolve in Tibet? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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