British May Day reports

This video from the USA is called Occupy May Day 2012.

From daily The Morning Star in Nlondon, England:

Britain’s working class fights back

Tuesday 01 May 2012

by John Millington, at Trafalgar Square

London’s workers made their opposition to cuts clear today with a 2,000-strong May Day march through the capital, joining millions who took to the streets across the world.

Construction, Remploy and public-sector staff assembled alongside Turkish, Iranian and Sri Lankan activists at Clerkenwell Green before marching through the city for the Trafalgar Square rally.

The Remploy workers at the head of the march stole the show, urging the coalition to save jobs for disabled workers.

GMB national convener at Remploy Les Woodward said the attack on the firm and its staff “encapsulates what this government is trying to do to the whole working class.

“They are trying to destroy us,” he told the Star.

Mr Woodward urged workers to mobilise for a general strike to defeat the government’s austerity agenda.

Remploy worker Julie Haynes said the firm could be profitable with proper investment.

“What makes Remploy different is we do a skilled job – we contribute to society, we pay our taxes,” she said.

Highlighting the international character of the march, RMT London transport regional organiser Steve Headley said the fight against racism and fascism could not be more important.

“We’ve got to fight as the working class,” he said.

“We can’t be divided by ethnic differences. We have got to wake up and fight back.”

Others on the march drew attention to co-ordinated strike action around pensions planned for May 10.

Southern and Eastern Region TUC secretary Megan Dobney said May 10 would be an “important sign that working-class people and trade unions in particular are opposing the government agenda.”

By Tony Patey in Britain:

We need to band together and lobby the government to make May 1 – International Workers Day – a national public holiday similar to many parts of the rest of Europe.

That was the message as protests and demos took place around the nation today with other events planned over the next few days.

May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries, including most of Europe, and is unofficially celebrated across the world.

Sparks turned out in force in the heart of the City of London for a May Day protest in their continuing fight for direct employment on all construction sites: here.

Photos: May Day Rallies Around the World 2012: here.

4 thoughts on “British May Day reports

  1. Fired Bahrain protesters demand jobs back on May Day

    (AFP) – 4 hours ago

    DUBAI — Hundreds of demonstrators took to the streets of Shiite villages in Bahrain on Tuesday to demand being reinstated in jobs from which they were fired during last year’s uprising, witnesses said.

    “Returning to our jobs is a right,” read the banners of the protesters who gathered for the May Day rally organised by the February 14 Youth Movement.

    The protesters also chanted slogans against Asian policemen, notably Pakistanis, recruited by the kingdom’s Sunni rulers.

    In Manama, a crowd chanted slogans calling for the fall of the regime at a rally attended by opposition leaders and dozens of supporters, before security forces used tear gas and stun grenades to disperse them, residents said.

    Some demonstrators were arrested, they added.

    The interior ministry said on Twitter that police took “legal procedures” against the “illegal rally” after warning the protesters and asking them to disperse.

    An independent probe into the month-long uprising said hundreds of Shiite workers were either dismissed or suspended indefinitely in the wake of a crackdown on a Shiite-led protest in February and March 2011.

    According to Bahrain’s labour union, 455 private and 116 public sector workers remain dismissed from their jobs. The labour ministry says the number is only a few dozen and that the rest have been reinstated.

    Amnesty says nearly 60 people have been killed in the protest movement since February 2011.

    Copyright © 2012 AFP


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