First chiffchaff song of spring

In the morning today, on my way to the railway station, I heard the first chiffchaff song of this spring.

This is a chiffchaff video from Spain.

Like the bigger black-tailed godwits, this little songbird had probably returned all the way from Africa.

I heard jay, robin, and great tit sounds as well.

How Do Birds Sing Without Pausing To Breathe? Here.

100 ornithologists and stakeholders from 40 countries met in the southern Czech town of Mikulov to launch the exciting three-year project “Birds in Europe 3”. The overall goal is to collate the best available data on the distribution, trends and abundance of all European bird species, and produce the third assessment of their population status: here.

5 thoughts on “First chiffchaff song of spring

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