Egyptian pro-democracy revolution continues

This video is called Egyptian Revolution 2011.

A wave of strikes across Egypt is rapidly broadening and deepening the revolution there: here.

Bus workers employed by the Public Transport Authority in Cairo are on all-out strike. They want their bonuses doubled and corrupt officials purged: here.

Cairo bus workers: ‘No deal, the strike goes on’: here.

Egyptian elites demand end to strikes: here. And here.

Egypt must stop censoring newspapers: here.

Egyptian Left rising: first post-revolution leftist party marches to legality: here.

Tunisians are still waiting for politicians to deliver on the fundamental change they have been promised, Amnesty International said today: here.

5 thoughts on “Egyptian pro-democracy revolution continues

  1. Egyptian transport workers hold protests outside government cabinet building

    On Wednesday transport workers in Cairo entered the 11th day of strike action, as hundreds of public transport workers gathered Wednesday outside the military government’s cabinet building in Cairo. This was the fourth successive day the strikers had mobilised outside the building.

    The workers are demanding a 200 percent increase in their basic monthly salary in order to allow them to reach a LE700 ($117) per month minimum wage. They are also calling for a guaranteed 100-months-salary retirement bonus for employees, upgrading the decaying bus fleet and new work uniforms, according to Ahram Online.

    The previous day the strikers rejected an agreement between Independent Union of Transport Workers and Ministry of Manpower Ahmed Hassan El-Borai. The union represents 45,000 bus drivers, ticket collectors and mechanics. Most of the capitals bus depots also rejected the agreement according to workers who spoke to Ahram Online.


    Doctors in Alexandria, Egypt continue strike for improved salaries and security

    Al Masry Al Youm reported September 27 that doctors in Alexandria, Egypt continued their strike for the second consecutive week, in demand of better salaries and security personnel to protect hospitals.

    On September 13, doctors announced they were starting a nationwide, open-ended strike. It now involves nearly 75 percent of Alexandria’s hospitals have joined the strike, except for emergency departments, intensive care units, and some hospital receptions.

    The doctors also demand an improved health service and the dismissal of corrupt officials from the Health Ministry.


    Workers’ protests continue in Egyptian capital and other governorates

    Workers’ protests demanding better wages and bonuses have continued in Cairo and other governorates. Al Masry Al Youm reported September 27 on the “Veterinarians of Animal Health Labs, who are working with temporary contracts, demanded permanent appointments. Temporary employees at Tamya Hospital in Fayoum protested for the same purpose.

    “Residents of the Ebni Beitak public housing project in Six October City also staged protests, complaining that the government has not completed the infrastructure of the project.”

    Staff at the Public Services Authority also staged protests to demand their salaries which were last disbursed in January.

    In Daqahlia, temporary teachers demanded permanent positions at the public schools, and temporary employees at Sharqiya governor’s office demanded the same. Workers at the irrigation project in Beheira staged protests to demand better wages and bonuses, it reported.


  2. Generals draw up elections scheme

    Egypt: The ruling junta has unveiled a timetable for their exit from power, under which presidential elections could be held by late next year.

    Lieutenant General Sami Anan presented the plan to political parties on Saturday. Under the scheme MPs – set to be elected in November – would choose a committee to draft a constitution which would be put to a public referendum by October 2012.

    The generals originally said their rule would last six months following the ousting of Hosni Mubarak in February.


  3. Pingback: Egyptian, US mass movements continue | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Wall Street protesters oppressed | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Egyptian anti-dictatorship poet dies | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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