Anti-pollution protest in the USA

This video from the USA is called Nebraskans Say NO to the TransCanada Pipeline.

From daily The Morning Star in Britain:

65 arrests at green demo

Sunday 21 August 2011

US police swooped on an environmental protest outside the White House on Saturday, arresting 65 people on the first day of two weeks of planned demonstrations against a proposed oil pipeline.

Protesters are demanding that President Barack Obama refuse to grant a permit for the planned 1,700-mile TransCanada pipeline from Canadian oilfields to refineries in Texas, running through six US states on the way.

Demonstrators hold that the project poses environmental risks and would further cement the country’s reliance on fossil fuels.

See also here. And here.

What tar sands and the Keystone XL pipeline mean for climate change: here.

Over 160 Arrested in Ongoing Civil Disobedience Against Keystone XL Tar Sands Oil Pipeline: here.

Keystone XL Pipeline Safety Standards Not as Rigorous as They Seem: here.

State Department Tar Sands Pipeline Hearings Run by TransCanada Contractor. Brad Johnson, ThinkProgress: “In a stunning conflict of interest, public hearings on federal approval for a proposed tar sands pipeline are being run by a contractor for the pipeline company itself. The U.S. Department of State’s public hearings along the proposed route of the TransCanada Keystone XL tar sands pipeline this week are under the purview of Cardno Entrix, a ‘professional environmental consulting company’ that specializes in ‘permitting and compliance'”: here.

Keystone Hearing in Nebraska Sandhills Draws Mostly Critics, and Passions Flare. Lisa Song, InsideClimate News: “Local landowners spoke about the risk of putting an oil pipeline through the Nebraska sandhills, an ecologically sensitive area about 10 miles from Atkinson. A fifth-generation rancher said an oil spill would jeopardize her land and her children’s future. The current route is ‘just wrong,’ she said”: here.

Keystone Pipeline Lobbyist Had Cozy Relationship With State Department Staffers, New Emails Show: here.

Wolves fall prey to Canada’s rapacious tar sands business: here.

8 thoughts on “Anti-pollution protest in the USA

  1. Eco-groups take on pipeline in court

    UNITED STATES: Three conservationist groups filed a lawsuit on Wednesday claiming that government officials have illegally allowed a Canadian firm to begin preparing the route for a proposed 1,700-mile oil pipeline.

    The groups argued in an Omaha federal court that the US Fish and Wildlife Service should not have permitted TransCanada to start clearing a 100-mile corridor through delicate northern Nebraska grasslands as the Keystone XL pipeline, planned to stretch from Canada to Texas, has not yet been approved by the US State Department.


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  6. Dear Friend of Wildlife,

    In South Dakota, swift foxes are making a comeback after experiencing huge population declines due to destruction and fragmentation of their prairie habitat over the years.

    But now, they are facing a new challenge—the Keystone XL pipeline—which would bring dirty tar sands oil right through their habitat.

    Speak up for imperiled swift foxes today—tell Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to stop the dangerous Keystone XL pipeline.

    The U.S. State Department will soon begin reviewing a request to build the northern segment of Keystone XL, which would transport toxic tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada to Steele City, Nebraska.

    From the pipeline rupture in Michigan two years ago that dumped one million gallons of tar sands oil into the Kalamazoo River, to the major spill into Montana’s Yellowstone River last year, it has become clear that transporting this toxic oil can have disastrous consequences for wildlife and people.

    Besides putting swift fox habitat at risk from leaks or breaks in the pipeline, the Keystone XL would amplify the impacts that the foxes—which now only occupy half of their historic range—are already feeling from habitat destruction and climate change.

    The deadline for public comments is July 30th—please take action today to protect swift foxes and many more wildlife from dirty tar sands oil.

    In 2010, the Canadian pipeline giant TransCanada filed a request to build a 2,000-mile pipeline from Alberta, Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast. Following the opposition raised by hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens across the U.S., in January, President Obama denied the pipeline request.

    Now, TransCanada is back with a new request to move forward with a revised route for the northern section of the pipeline. But this “new” route has only been shifted a few miles to the east and does not solve the problems raised by the original route that President Obama rejected.

    The revised route would still cross vital wildlife habitat and water resources, expand habitat-destroying tar sands operations in Canada, and accelerate climate change.

    Tell Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the revised Keystone XL pipeline route carries the same unacceptable risks for wildlife.

    Thanks for all you do to protect wildlife.


    Sue Brown
    Executive Director, NWF Action Fund


  7. Pingback: American animals endangered by Keystone XL pipeline | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  8. Pingback: Support Native American anti-fracking pipeline action, petition | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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