Rupert Murdoch scandal continues

Rupert Murdoch, the Tea Party  and the religious right in the USA, cartoon by Martin Rowson

Britain: News International: Cameron’s in crisis as scandal unravels: here.

Andy Coulson, the prime minister’s former spin doctor, is being investigated by police for allegedly committing perjury while working for David Cameron in Downing Street: here.

Merlin Emmanuel: ‘Murdoch is irreparably tainted’: here.

Deeper links revealed between British PM’s office and Murdoch’s News Corp: here.

Phone hacking was not confined to the News of the World but was widespread at other newspapers, including the Daily Mirror: here. And here. And here.

Greg Palast, Truthout: “I am not surprised that Piers Morgan has been outed for allegedly hacking phones (listening, in one case, to personal messages between Heather Mills and Paul McCartney.) I learned about the creepy antics of this one-man TV-host crime spree the hard way: as a victim of his crime-and-slime form of ‘journalism.’ On September 29, 1998, Piers Morgan’s Mirror ran a screaming full-page headline: SEX SCANDAL ROCKS LABOUR CONFERENCE. His paper had caught a rival paper’s reporter who’d broken into the hotel room of a comely, young, rising star of the Labour Party. The reporter was caught there half undressed. I was that reporter”: here.

One response to the phone hacking scandal has been to blame the readers of tabloid newspapers, rather than editors and owners, for the disgrace: here.

Henry A. Giroux | From Benetton to Murdoch: The Culture of Money, Shock and Schlock. Henry A. Giroux, Truthout: “Today, much more so, I believe we are witnessing an unprecedented shift in American popular culture toward an utterly depraved form of aesthetics. Images that shocked one generation of viewers and then produced alienation and indifference in the next, have become even more sensationalized, as people eagerly and brazenly consume displays of aggression, brutality and death. In what follows, I suggest that this culture of cruelty is part and parcel of the growing influence of neoliberal policies across all sectors”: here.

Boris Johnson would have been attempting to pervert the course of justice if he knew police were actively investigating phone hacking when he described fresh allegations as “codswallop,” Green Party London Assembly Member Jenny Jones claimed today: here.

The first public hearings in the phone-hacking inquiry will be held in September, Lord Justice Leveson said today: here.

A central question in the phone hacking scandal is why the criminality wasn’t exposed much earlier, in particular in 2006-7: here.

9/11 phone-hacking claims: families to meet US attorney general: here.

Murdoch paper hacking victim forced to tell all to judge: here.

Avoiding Murdoch’s media minefield: here.

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