Even conservatives have enough of ‘Mad Mel’ Phillips

Mad Mel

‘Mad Mel’ Phillips does not like gay rights.

From the New Statesman in Britain:

Goodbye, Melanie!

Posted by Mehdi Hasan – 24 June 2011 13:35

Phillips leaves the Spectator as the complaints pile up.

Poor ol’ Melanie Phillips. In today’s Guardian, the Conservative Party chair Sayeeda Warsi goes on the offensive:

“”I don’t read her, actually. I call her Mad Mel,” Lady Warsi says of Daily Mail columnist Melanie Phillips, who has denounced her as “stupid”.”

Last week, Phillips announced her departure from the Spectator, where she has been blogging for the past few years.

On 16 June, under the headline, ‘”My blog’s new home”, she wrote:

“This is my last blog-post for the Spectator. I have decided to expand and develop my own website over the coming months, and so if you would like to continue to read my blog you can find it at melaniephillips.com.”

But was this a voluntary or enforced departure? The blogger Guido Staines beat me to it, but I can’t help but notice how the Spectator has had to apologise to Alastair Crooke, director of Conflicts Forum, on its website this week, after a blogpost by Phillips made “false” allegations about Crooke’s past. Phillips’s decision to move on might just be a coincidence but a well-connected source tells me that the payout to Crooke cost the Spectator “tens of thousands of pounds” and left Fraser Nelson and Andrew Neil “furious” with her.

Here’s the full text of the apology on the front page of the Spectator website:

“An apology to Alastair Crooke

A blog by Melanie Phillips posted on 28 January 2011 reported an allegation that Alastair Crooke, director of Conflicts Forum, had been expelled from Israel and dismissed for misconduct from Government service or the EU after threatening a journalist whose email he had unlawfully intercepted. We accept that this allegation is completely false and we apologise to Mr Crooke.”

Good riddance to this gay-basher and Iraq war-monger, ‘Mad Mel’ Phillips.

Poll says Muslims are ‘proud’ of Britain’s gay rights: here.

British gay policeman victim of homophobic attack in Slovenia: here.

Britain: David Cameron is pushing through cuts that will destroy the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people: here.

USA: Gay Marriage Equality passed in New York Senate – 33 – 29: here.

Tens of thousands turned out for Gay Pride across the world on Saturday buoyed by news that same-sex marriage had become legal in New York state.

2 thoughts on “Even conservatives have enough of ‘Mad Mel’ Phillips

  1. First gay marriage approved by judge

    BRAZIL: A Sao Paulo state judge on Monday approved what the court said was the developing country’s first gay marriage.

    Judge Fernando Henrique Pinto ruled that two men could convert their civil union into a full marriage.

    Brazil’s Supreme Court cleared the way in May for the recognition of same-sex civil unions, but stopped short of approving gay marriages.

    A court statement said Mr Pinto had made the decision based on the top court’s ruling on civil unions and on Brazil’s constitution.



  2. US right-winger: Gay bullying ‘healthy peer pressure’

    “Anti-gay bullying is not bullying at all; in fact, it is ‘peer pressure and is healthy.’ That’s according to Rich Swier, an activist with the Tea Party Nation.

    “Swier was responding to a report from a Florida group that showed that ‘77% of all bullying victims are picked on due to sexual orientation, gender identity, or the perception of either.’ The report also pointed out that ‘LGBT youth are up to five times more likely to commit suicide than their straight counterparts.’

    “But, according to Swier, the anti-bullying campaign is nothing more than a sham by ‘radical gay activists.’ He says that it’s all a part of the ever omnipotent ‘gay agenda’ and its plan to indoctrinate school children into the so-called ‘homosexual lifestyle.’

    “[Swier said:] ‘This is not bullying. It is peer pressure and is healthy. There are many bad behaviors such as smoking, under age drinking and drug abuse that are behaviors that cannot be condoned. Homosexuality falls into this category.

    “’Homosexuality is simply bad behavior that youth see as such and rightly pressure their peers to stop it.’”

    — June 28 Lgbtqnation.com


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