Yemen dictator keeps killing his own people

This video says about itself:

In Yemen, anti-government protests have been growing for weeks, with tens of thousands of men and women joining the call for reform.

On Friday, president Ali Abdullah Saleh declared the presence of women alongside men in public, as “un-Islamic”.

And now hundreds of women are again taking to the streets, with a new message for the man in charge.

Al Jazeera’s Dorsa Jabbari reports.

From daily The Guardian in Britain:

UN security council members have called for restraint and political dialogue in Yemen as the 15-nation body discussed the violence there for the first time, diplomats said.

But the closed-door meeting, requested by Germany, failed to agree on a public statement on Yemen ā€“ where anti-government protests are in their third month ā€“ because some envoys wanted to consult their capitals.

The meeting came as Yemeni police opened fire on protesters in two cities, killing at least three people, as the campaign to end President Ali Abdullah Saleh’s 32-year rule escalated.