Yemen dictator keeps butchering his own people

This Associated Press video says about itself:

Security forces opened fire on protesters in Yemen Tuesday, killing at least three. And on Wednesday gunmen on motorcycles strafed demonstrators in a port city, killing another, according to an opposition activist. (April 20)

Yemen: Gunmen on motorcycles opened fire on hundreds of demonstrators camped in the port of Hudaida this morning, killing one and wounding several, according to opposition activists: here.

Fight for factories: Egypt’s textile workers challenge privatization: here.

Preventing the Arab Spring from reaching Western Sahara; Foreign Policy: here.

5 thoughts on “Yemen dictator keeps butchering his own people

  1. Fruit dispute charges dropped

    TUNISIA: A court has dropped charges against a policewoman whose dispute with a fruit vendor sparked uprisings around the Arab world.

    State news agency TAP says that charges were dropped against Sedia Hamdi after the vendor’s family withdrew its original complaint.

    Ms Hamdi was accused of slapping vendor Mohamed Bouazizi.
    Bouazizi set himself on fire in protest.

    That prompted demonstrations against government repression, which led to protests and an eventual change of government.


  2. Democracy fight saw 846 killed

    EGYPT: At least 846 people were killed in the three-week uprising that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak, according to a government fact-finding mission.

    The figure, released on Tuesday, is more than double previous official estimates.

    Judges said that most fatalities were due to police forces “shooting protesters in the head and chest” and said they held Mr Mubarak “ultimately responsible” for the killings as his interior minister Habib el-Adly had issued orders to fire on demonstrators.


  3. Pingback: Yemen’s dictator keeps butchering his own people | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Pentagon drones help Yemen dictator Saleh | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Pingback: Bahrain dictatorship ‘tortured patients’ | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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