Anti-dictatorship movements continue

This video is called Bahrain: “It was a complete bloodbath”.

Bahrain protesters back in action. Tens of thousands march in the first organised demonstration since unrest broke out in the Gulf Arab nation: here.

Tens of thousands of protesters flooded Manama on Tuesday in a massive show of force against the US-backed monarchy. Determined demonstrators took over the capital, circling the Bahrain Mall and the financial district in a march to the heart of the protest at Pearl Square: here.

Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi threatened widespread massacres against his own people in an appearance on state television Tuesday: here.

In recent years, Libya has strengthened its ties to the United States and many European nations. Two years ago, the U.S. firm General Dynamics signed a $165 million contract to arm the Libyan Armed Forces’ elite second brigade. Halliburton, Shell, Raytheon, Dow Chemical and Chevron are all members of the U.S.-Libya Business Association. And in 2009, it was revealed that British forces were training Libyan special forces in counterterrorism techniques: here.

Egypt’s military regime has threatened to illegalise strikes in the face of the ongoing social unrest following the removal of President Hosni Mubarak: here.

Amid revolutionary struggles across North Africa and the Middle East that have already toppled dictatorial regimes in Tunisia and Egypt, details continue to emerge of the corrupt ties between these dictators and leading French politicians: here.

Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, visited the United Arab Emirates yesterday amid a wave of mass revolutionary struggles in the Middle East that has forced dictators in Tunisia and Egypt from power. As part of a tour of the Persian Gulf-Western Indian Ocean region, Mullen had visited Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and was on his way to visit the East African port of Djibouti and Kuwait: here.

UK’s PM Cameron talks “democracy” while peddling arms to Gulf despots: here.

Global stock values fell broadly for the second day on Tuesday and crude oil prices surged as the social upheaval in Libya disrupted petroleum exports and ongoing protests in Bahrain and Yemen threatened to spread to Saudi Arabia: here.