Anti-dictatorship movements continue

This video from the USA is called Thousands Demand Ouster Of Yemen’s President.

Inspired by the Egyptian people’s overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, protests continued to spread in the Middle East on Monday, as Washington scrambled to reassure Israel and pro-US regimes in the region of its continued support. For a fourth straight day, demonstrators in cities throughout Yemen clashed with security forces and mobs of plainclothes policemen and hired thugs posing as supporters of the US-backed government of President Ali Abdullah Saleh: here.

Large numbers of workers in Egypt’s main cities staged strikes and street demonstrations yesterday for better wages and working conditions, and the removal of corrupt state-enterprise managers promoted under Mubarak: here.

In One Slice of a New Egypt, Few Are Focusing on Religion: here.

“Egypt’s new military government faces workers who are no longer so afraid of authority”: here.

The Palestinian Authority (PA) has announced elections, a cabinet reshuffle and the resignation of Saeb Erekat, its chief negotiator with Israel. It is the desperate reaction of a regime in crisis, trying to forestall the spread of the mass movements that have toppled Tunisia’s Ben Ali and Egypt’s Mubarak: here.

Sarah Leah Whitson of Human Rights Watch describes violent police attacks on peaceful demonstrators in Yemen: here.

Bahrain Protest: CORRECTION – Fahdel Ali Al Matrook injured Mon, died today: here.

Clashes at Protest for Second Day in Bahrain: here.

Ma`an News Agency – “A group of well respected religious scholars in Gaza City congratulated the Egyptian people on `ending the tyranny and injustice` of the nation`s former president, and called on the new leadership to continue the trend by opening the Rafah crossing”: here.

6 thoughts on “Anti-dictatorship movements continue

  1. 21 February | Political developments in Yemen | lecture by Daniel Varisco

    On Monday 21 February Professor Daniel Martin Varisco will give a lecture on the political developments in Yemen, in the context of the recent events in the Arab world. Time: 15:00 – 17:00 hours. Location: Lipsius building, lecture room 227 (Cleveringaplaats 1, Leiden).

    Daniel Martin Varisco is chair of anthropology and director of Middle Eastern and Central Asia studies at Hofstra University (New York, US). He has done fieldwork in Yemen and focussed on local water rights in the springfed irrigation system in relation to the local environmental constraints and principles of Islamic water law (his website on Yemen can be accessed here).

    Besides his expertise in Yemen, Professor Varisco has published extensively on a wide range of subjects related to Islam and the Middle East. Professor Varisco’s lecture promises to provide us with interesting insights into the political developments in Yemen, which is particularly relevant considering the current situation in the Arab world.

    The lecture will start at 15.00 hrs in Lipsius 227, Cleveringaplaats 1, Leiden.

    All are welcome!


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