Stop Donald Trump destroying Scottish nature

This video from Scotland is called Tripping Up Trump.

From Wildlife Extra, about Scotland:

Protest against Trump golf course is growing – You can help

27/05/2010 23:30:24 Tripping up Trump

May 2010. The prospects of Donald Trump’s unpopular housing and golf development ever being built as planned have taken another welcome blow.

In an impressive display of mass public opposition to Donald Trump, local campaign group Tripping Up Trump (TUT) attracted over a 1000 new potential owners for its plot at Menie, The Bunker, in just 24hrs (1 person every 90 seconds). The would-be owners signed up on-line via the Tripping Up Trump website

Buy a piece of land

The community-led campaign has 60 people (75% based in Aberdeenshire) who already own its land in the heartland of where the Trump Organisation wishes to develop, with the option for thousands more to join up and become a potential owner.

TUT spokesperson Martin Glegg said: “We expected strong support but this has become overwhelming. The TUT email accounts our busting at the seams.”

“I hope this sends a message to Donald Trump that the idea that he has much local support outside his wealthy business friends and councillors is just plain wrong. He now must face the reality the he will have to learn to live with his neighbours in a civilised fashion and make compromises if he wants to build his private resort.”

David Putnam – Local hero

One famous figure who is supporting The Bunker is David Putnam the producer of the famous film ‘Local Hero‘. He is now one of the owners of the plot at Menie.

Said Lord Putnam, “This saga is the real life version of a film I made over 25 years ago, Local Hero. Thankfully, Local Hero had a happy ending when the American developer came to his senses and withdrew with dignity. It would be great if Donald Trump would watch it. Compulsory purchase orders for this kind of project would set a very dangerous precedent for all of Scotland.”

In the time it took to write this 20 to people asked to join The Bunker. Information about the new joint land ownership project will be available here.

September 2010. Dr David Kennedy, the first principal of The Robert Gordon University and member of Tripping Up Trump, returned to the University on Tuesday 28 September to renounce the honorary doctorate it conferred on him in 1999. Dr Kennedy is returning his honorary degree in protest at the University’s decision to confer an honorary doctorate on developer Donald Trump and to express his support for the families at Menie that Mr Trump is trying to force from their homes: here.

Trumped by Donald? Are Bankruptcy and a Bad Toupee Qualifications for President? Here.

Film-makers Anthony Baxter and Richard Phinney accused Grampian Police at the weekend of covering up the truth over police harassment during the making of the documentary You’ve Been Trumped: here.

January 2011. Donald Trump has backed down from threatening the use of Compulsory Purchase Orders against the residents of the village of Menie; a very welcome development for those who think that CPO’s should not be enforced for private commercial gain: here.

Greens today slammed US billionaire Donald Trump’s £750 million private luxury golf and housing development that was being constructed on the Aberdeenshire coast: here.

10 thoughts on “Stop Donald Trump destroying Scottish nature

  1. Caroline Lucas joins campaign to ‘trip up’ Donald Trump

    Green Brighton Pavilion MP has bought stake in one-acre plot at the heart of US tycoon’s ‘world’s greatest golf course’ resort

    Caroline Lucas, Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, has joined a campaign to prevent a luxury golf course in Aberdeenshire from going ahead. Photograph: Shamil Tanna

    Green MP Caroline Lucas has joined the campaign to force US tycoon Donald Trump to change his plans to build a luxury golf course on the Aberdeenshire coast.

    The MP has bought a stake in a one-acre stretch of land at the heart of the resort site, owned by opponents of the £750 million project. They claim the multi-owned land at the heart of the site, which includes protected sand dunes, could block the project in its current form.

    As well as a championship golf course, the luxury development on the Menie estate includes a 450-bedroom hotel, 950 holiday apartments and 500 residential homes.

    Trump has claimed the residents refusing to sell would not affect the construction of the golf course, which is already under way and should be finished in 18 months, or any of the homes.

    Work on the course got under way last month, after the tycoon won planning permission to start work on his “world’s greatest golf course” in June, four years after he first put his plans forward.

    Lucas became a joint owner of the plot, nicknamed the “bunker”, along with Body Shop co-founder Gordon Roddick.

    The campaign is being co-ordinated by action group Tripping up Trump, who want to stop Aberdeenshire Council from serving compulsory purchase orders on families and other people who own land on parts of the site.

    The council has so far refused to rule out using such orders to allow the Trump development to take place.

    Lucas, the Brighton Pavillion MP said: “When confronted by a developer like Trump who thinks it is okay to trample over anything and anyone that gets in his way, it is important to fight back.

    “So I am joining with others to very deliberately get in the way of what amounts to an incredibly damaging vanity project.

    “By standing alongside the people of Aberdeenshire who rightly refuse to have their rights and their environment pushed aside, I hope to send a very clear message to Donald Trump – this community is not giving in.”


  2. Trump critic to stand for Greens

    Politics: Aberdeenshire Councillor Martin Ford, an outspoken critic of US tycoon Donald Trump, will stand for the Green Party at the next Holyrood elections.

    Mr Ford, who famously voted down the businessman’s plan for a golf resort on a stretch of protected coast, will top the regional list for north-east Scotland.

    His name is among the party’s leading candidates, including Glasgow MSP and party co-leader Patrick Harvie, across six of the eight Scottish Parliament regions for the May 2011 election.


  3. Billionaire Trump gets Green slap

    Thursday 15 September 2011

    Green Party MSP Patrick Harvie branded US billionaire Donald Trump a hypocrite today for opposing an offshore wind farm near a luxury golf resort that he had built on top of a precious dune system.

    Mr Harvie hit back after the tycoon wrote to First Minister Alex Salmond describing the planned wind turbines – to be located 1.5 miles from his Aberdeen golf course – as “disastrous and environmentally irresponsible.”

    The Green MSP retorted: “For the man who has vandalised an irreplaceable dune system and tried to evict local families to complain about a clean energy development this confirms he has an ego the size of the planet, and a complete ignorance of what the word ‘environment’ means.

    “The long-term future for the north-east lies in sustainable projects like offshore wind, not some vanity project for rich tourists to jet into and contribute nothing to the local economy.”


  4. Pingback: Trump loses sponsor after elephant butchery | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  5. Scots give Trump the finger with new offshore wind farm

    Tuesday 26 March 2013

    by Our News Desk

    The Scottish government delivered a blow to US businessman Donald Trump today after they approved an offshore wind project off the coast of Aberdeen.

    The 11-turbine European Offshore Wind Deployment Centre is bitterly opposed by the US billionaire who has moaned that it will spoil the view from his nearby golf course.

    Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing said: “Offshore renewables represent a huge opportunity for Scotland – an opportunity to build up new industries and to deliver on our ambitious renewable energy and carbon reduction targets.”

    The centre will be capable of generating up to 100 megawatts of energy, enough for 49,000 homes, almost half the number in Aberdeen, the government said.

    Scottish Greens urged the government not to delay the project’s progress.

    Glasgow Green MSP Patrick Harvie said: “This project is so important to the future development of Scotland’s massive offshore renewables potential that we cannot allow a rich bully to stymie it further.

    “I urge the Scottish government to make up for lost ground and make clear they have no time for one man’s ill-informed views.”

    Green councillor for East Garioch in Aberdeenshire Martin Ford added: “It’s a significant step for the north-east, and for the expansion of the renewable energy industry.

    “The next question is to see whether Mr Trump will throw his hotel out of his pram, as he has long threatened to do.”


  6. Pingback: Tasmanian ‘developers’ destroy shearwaters’ nests for golf course | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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  9. Pingback: Donald Trump unwelcome in Britain | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  10. Pingback: Donald Trump’s Scottish golf course scandal | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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