New Australian frogs discovered

This video from Australia is called Kimberley Wildlife and Scientific Expedition.

From Wildlife Extra:

Two New Frogs Discovered in Western Australia

29/06/2009 12:48:18

June 2009. Two new species of frogs have been discovered in Western Australia according to the Western Australian Museum.

Tiny Toadlet

The first species is called the Tiny Toadlet (Uperoleia micra) and is just over 2 cm long. It was discovered near the Prince Regent River when it was first heard calling near the field expedition base camp at Bachsten Creek. The new species is extremely shy and would not have been discovered if its call did not differ from those of three related species in the area.

Toadlets are actually frogs

Toadlets‘ are not true toads, but a group of native frogs that have a stocky appearance. The Kimberley is host to the highest diversity of Toadlets in Australia.

Kimberley Froglet

The Kimberley Froglet (Crinia fimbriata), was discovered on the Mitchell Plateau – an area previously believed to have been well surveyed for frogs. It is also about 2 cm in length. It was noticed owing to its blue and red background colour and covered with tiny white dots, similar to some Aboriginal painting styles. Males of this species have flanges on the fingers, but it is not known what the flanges might be used for.

Kimberley biodiversity

The discovery of two frog species in the northwest Kimberley emphasises the high diversity of the area, and is timely owing to current State and National reviews of the area’s biodiversity assets. The very rugged northwest Kimberley region is being increasingly impacted by tourism, industry, feral weeds, cattle and soon the Cane Toad.

High level of endemism

Dr. Paul Doughty, WA Museum Curator of Herpetology said “The northwest Kimberley has a high diversity of frogs and reptiles that are unique to the region, as it receives high rainfall in summer and the area is cut-off by drier regions to the south. Many of the species that occur there have been evolving there in isolation for millions of years, and there are certainly more species to discover from the area.” …

The discovery of the frogs from the high rainfall zone of the northwest Kimberley were formally described this week in the Records of the Western Australian Museum and Zootaxa.

Australia: Green tree frog eats a snake – photo: here.

Dutch yellow-bellied toads: here.

More frog news here.

New species of high altitude frogs discovered in Peru – No tadpoles: here.

Frogs building nests by folding leaves: here.

Western Australia oil spill a potential disaster for marine life: here.

A strawberry poison dart frog mother checks up on her tadpole brood. Video here below.

Timber Harvest Impacts Amphibians Differently During Life Stages: here.

Appenine yellow-bellied toad (Bombina pachypus): here.

4 thoughts on “New Australian frogs discovered

  1. Volunteers help in toad count

    July 6, 2009

    SULLIVAN TOWNSHIP (AP) – This time of year in Ohio, volunteers are out in the dark of night, listening for the sounds of frogs and toads among the state’s ponds, streams and ditches.

    For the last 12 years, the Ohio Division of Natural Resources has been compiling data to track the range and population of the animals. Dozens of volunteers have been helping in the spring and summer months.

    The citizen scientists learn to recognize the different sounds of the different frogs and toads and note their locations.

    “It’s a gray tree frog,” Debra Beckstett whispered to Christine Whelan on a recent night in rural Ashland County. “Two of them, I think. They’re calling out to each other.”

    Ohio officials plan to begin analyzing the 12-year accumulation of information to get a better reading on the health of the amphibian population in the state.

    Ohio’s survey grew out of worldwide concern about the future of many amphibians.

    Scientists contemplate the possibility of frog and toad species being wiped out by a killer fungus, or habitat loss, pollution and other manmade problems.

    Half of the planet’s 6,000 amphibian species face the threat of extinction.

    “The trend is one where we could lose this entire class of animals,” said Geoff Hall, general curator at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. “It’s frightening. They could go very, very quickly.”

    Ohio’s survey receives $8,000 to $10,000 a year in state wildlife funding. People like Jeff Davis, a high school science teacher near Cincinnati who launched the project, gather baseline data on frog and toad distribution.

    Surveyors are scattered across the state. More than 40 teams per year go out to listen for frog and toad sounds once a month from March through June.

    The compiled data has now reached 16,000 entries over the 12 years, and is now reaching the level where it can be analyzed for trends.

    Davis said evidence already suggests a decline in the populations of Fowler’s toads and Blanchard’s cricket frogs. Ohio has 15 species of frogs and toads.

    “We need to know if there’s a problem,” Davis said. “Because if something’s getting to them, at what point does it get to us?”


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