Peruvian anti bloodbath protests

Peruvian police attack indigenous people

From Al Jazeera:

Peru tribes vow to continue protest

Peruvian tribes have vowed to continue their protests against land laws six days after at least 60 people were killed in clashes between protesters and police.

Thousands of people joined demonstrations across Peru on Thursday in support of the indigenous people battling against laws making it easier for foreign companies to explore for oil.

On Wednesday, the Peruvian congress suspended one of the most controversial land laws, which would have eased restrictions on mining, oil drilling, logging and farming in the Peruvian Amazon.

Al Jazeera’s Teresa Bo, reporting from Peru, said many protesters were demanding the cancellation of the laws rather than their suspension and would keep fighting until that happened.

In Lima, the capital, riot police fired tear gas at several hundred student protesters, some of whom threw rocks and petrol bombs.

In Peru’s second largest city, Arequipa, demonstrators burnt a blood-smeared effigy of Alan Garcia, the Peruvian president, who backed the laws as part of the free trade deal with the US. …

Repercussions from the violence have also rocked the government, with Carmen Vildoso, the women’s affairs minister, resigning on Monday in protest over the government’s crackdown.

Opposition parties also continued calls on Thursday for Yehuda Simon, the prime minister, to stand down over the crisis.

On Wednesday, Nicaragua granted political asylum to a protest leader charged with sedition after the protests.

Alberto Pizango had accused the Peruvian government of “genocide” following Friday’s clashes.

Peru’s indigenous peoples say that Garcia’s government did not consult them in good faith before signing contracts that could affect at least 30,000 of them across six provinces.

See also here.

Tens of thousands of Peruvians have marched to support indigenous people resisting oil and natural gas exploration on their land: here. And here.

SOUTH AMERICA: Calls for Justice for Peru’s Native Peoples: here.

See also here.

PERU: Families of Dead Native Protesters Tell Their Stories: here.

Peru accused of cover-up after indigenous protest ends in death at Devil’s Bend: here.

A Peruvian community leader has called for an end to the protests that left dozens dead in the Amazon after MPs revoked the decrees that indigenous groups said would spur exploitation of their lands: here.

In the face of mass protests over the recent massacre in the Amazon basin and continuing blockades by indigenous groups, the Peruvian government has been forced to repeal two decrees opening up the region to exploitation: here.

CHILE: Mixed Reception for Indigenous Protection Code: here.

2 thoughts on “Peruvian anti bloodbath protests

  1. Peru crackdown sparks protest

    SOLIDARITY: Activists will demonstrate outside the Peruvian embassy in London tomorrow against continuing clashes between security forces and indigenous protesters.

    For the last two months, indigenous Amazonians have been protesting against contentious new legislation which would allow the sale of up to 80 per cent of the Peruvian Amazon to foreign investors.

    Over 50 people have been killed in the protests so far amid allegations of state-sponsored murder by security forces.

    The protest is to take place at the embassy in Sloane Square from noon tomorrow.


  2. Latin America: Manifesto of the First Continental Summit of
    Indigenous Women

    Puno, Peru — May 27-28, 2009 — We, indigenous women gathered in the
    sacred lands of Lake Titicaca, after two days of discussions and
    deliberation raise our voices in these times when Abya Yala’s[1] womb is
    once more with childbirth pains, to give birth to the new Pachakutik [2]
    for a better life on our planet. We, indigenous women, have had a direct
    input into the historical process of transformation of our peoples
    through our proposals and actions in the various struggles taking place
    and engendered from the indigenous movements.
    We are the carriers, conduits of our cultural and genetic make-up; we
    gestate and brood life; together with men, we are the axis of the family
    unit and society. We join our wombs to our mother earth’s womb to give
    birth to new times in this Latin American continent where in many
    countries millions of people, impoverished by the neoliberal system,
    raise their voices to say ENOUGH to oppression, exploitation and the
    looting of our wealth. We therefore join in the liberation struggles
    taking place throughout our continent.

    * Read more


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