Polar bear twins

This video is called Watch the birth of a polar bear – BBC wildlife.

Two baby polar bear twins were recently born in Ouwehand zoo in the Netherlands.

Canada: Bag a polar bear for $35,000: the new threat to the species: here.

Alaskan congressman wants to change rules to allow polar bear trophy imports: here.

Polar bear cub hitches a ride: here.

3 thoughts on “Polar bear twins

  1. Polar bear intruder: Zoo leap was suicide bid


    The woman who was nearly eaten alive by polar bears in Berlin Zoo was making a bizarre suicide bid, it emerged yesterday.

    Mandy Koenig, 32, was heavily in debt and had lost her job and her boyfriend when she jumped into the moat surrounding the bears on Good Friday.

    She is still in intensive care.

    Dad Lars said: “She just couldn’t see any future.”



  2. Pingback: Herbivorous and carnivorous bears | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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