Anti-Polish prejudice in Britain

This video from Britain says about itself:

Victoria Railway Station in London is seeing increasing numbers of Poles with their bags packed – ready to return home. Over a million Poles have moved to Britain and Ireland in recent years. While many have enjoyed high wages, the global economic crisis means increasing numbers are now out of a job.

From British daily The Morning Star:

Migrant Poles call for action on racism

(Friday 09 January 2009)


MIGRANT Poles urged new Labour on Friday to introduce new measures to combat anti-Polish hate crime.

The Federation of Poles in Great Britain is increasingly concerned by the growing number of racist incidents in which Poles were victims.

Spokesman Wiktor Moszczynski said that there was anecdotal evidence to suggest that the downturn was fuelling a backlash against Polish economic migrants blamed for taking British jobs.

It has been alleged that TNS Knitwear, which supplies 20,000 garments to fashion chain Primark each week, paid illegal immigrants from Pakistan, Afghanistan and India £3 an hour for working 12 hours a day, seven days a week: here.

Exploitation of Polish workers in France: here.

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