English anti war protest, 20 September

This video from England is called Stop The War Protest March 15 2008 London Compilation.

From the Stop the War Coalition in Britain:

Demonstrate against the cost of war at Labour Conference in Manchester-20 September 2008

Written by Stewart, office

Monday, 30 June 2008

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the lives of more than 200 British soldiers and countless thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians. It has also cost billions of pounds, money which could have been spent on houses, healthcare and education in this country. The war has seen the price of oil escalate, with a knock on effect on the price of food and other essentials.

It has been estimated that this war has cost £10 billion so far, without counting the cost of looking after injured soldiers for the rest of their lives. It is time we demanded that Labour spend the money on better services for all, not wars in the Middle East.

See also here.

Update 9 September 2008: here.

US soldiers’ deaths in Iraq: here.

Meanwhile, the leader of the Labour party, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, is under attack by fellow party members after the by-election defeat at Glasgow East, which had always been extremely solid Labour party territory, even more so than the rest of traditionally pro Labour Scotland. If repeated all over Britain, only 20 or something Labour members would remain as a fringe party in the big British parliament.

Gordon Brown can hardly be blamed for this alone. His fellow “New” Labour misleaders, war criminal Tony Blair above all, bear most of the responsibility for the Labour party catastrophe. It is to be hoped that, if Gordon Brown will fall soon, as many in the British media expect now, he will not just fall down as a convenient scapegoat, while the “New” Labour disasters of wars and privatizations continue under some new “New” Labour leader. The only way to save the Labour Party now is a very drastic shift to the left, saying STOP to wars and privatizations.

7 thoughts on “English anti war protest, 20 September

    [A]fter five years and more than 4,000 American combat deaths, searches and interviews turned up fewer than a half-dozen graphic photographs of dead American soldiers. . . . Most newspapers refuse to publish such pictures as a matter of policy.


  2. George W. Bush’s sentence-by-sentence speaking skills are deteriorating. Apparently, this may be due to a mental illness called “presenile dementia.” Bush may or may not be secretly still drinking heavily. Bush lied, and thousands of people died. Bush suffers from narcissism and megalomania. Moreover, Bush has been arrested three times. Bush was arrested for disorderly conduct. Bush was arrested for stealing. Bush was also arrested for a serious crime—driving under the influence of alcohol. There are reasons to believe that Bush suffers from a learning disability. Bush’s learning disability would explain a lot of things. All in all, Bush is a severely mentally ill individual. Bush is not fit to be the president of the United States.

    Anti-war protesters are great.

    Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
    B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
    Messiah College, Grantham, PA


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