New Atlantic forest nature reserve in Brazil

This video is called Atlantic Forest, Brazil – The Nature Conservancy.

From Wildlife Extra:

Atlantic Forest remnant purchased to save critically endangered species in Brazil

MAMMALS [in this new reserve]

* Yellow-breasted CapuchinCritically Endangered
* Spiny Rat – Endangered (described 2002)
* Maned Three-toed Sloth – Endangered
* Giant Armadillo – Endangered
* Thin-spined Porcupine – Vulnerable
* Mountain Lion – Vulnerable

December 2007. American Bird Conservancy and its Brazilian partner Fundação Biodiversitas have acquired almost 1,000 acres of a unique and isolated stand of endangered Brazilian Atlantic forest, and plan to save what little more that remains in an area that is one the great biodiversity hotspots in South America. The new protected area, to be named after the Stresemann’s Bristlefront, represents the sole sanctuary for this critically endangered bird species imminently facing extinction.

September 2012. The lush rainforest carpeting Serra Bonita mountain range in eastern Brazil represents the last significant example of a unique habitat that supports rare and endemic flora and fauna. The area is at the heart of an urgent conservation initiative by World Land Trust (WLT) and Instituto Uiracu to strategically purchase private properties to expand the Serra Bonita Reserve: here.

November 2013: Rainforest Trust has awarded its Brazilian partner REGUA a $10,000 grant to map and study lands surrounding the organisation’s rainforest reserve in the Guapiacu Valley. The two-year grant will allow REGUA to determine vegetation cover and identify property lines within the 74,000-acre area of rainforest. REGUA will then able to prioritise land purchases effectively, thus improving its ability to create wildlife corridors and protect the Atlantic Rainforest’s vanishing wildlife: here.

19 thoughts on “New Atlantic forest nature reserve in Brazil


    Global Ecological Emergency: Brazil Must Succeed in Keeping
    Soybeans Out of Amazon Rainforest

    Rainforest Portal a project of Ecological Internet
    February 12, 2008

    Only soy products that do not directly or indirectly destroy
    ancient rainforests, or intensify climate change and other
    problems inherent with large-scale industrial monocultures,
    will be tolerated in international markets

    The greatest emerging threat to Amazon rainforests and
    communities is industrial soy plantations. Huge mechanized,
    soy monocultures destroy tropical ecosystems, accelerate
    climate change and cause human rights abuses primarily to
    produce agrofuel and livestock feed. The soya industry wipes
    out biodiversity, destroys soil fertility, pollutes freshwater
    and displaces communities. Soybean production expands the
    agricultural frontier not only through fire and deforestation
    to clear ancient rainforests, but more importantly by pushing
    cattle ranches and displacing forest peoples further into
    natural rainforest ecosystems.

    With rising soy and other agricultural commodity prices, there
    has been a marked increase in fires and Amazonian
    deforestation to clear new agricultural lands from primary
    rainforests. In reaction Brazil has again announced increased
    agricultural deforestation enforcement. Amazon rainforest
    sustainability critically depends upon new soybean production
    being kept out of ancient primary rainforest ecosystems. Let’s
    continue the commitment of Ecological Internet’s Earth Action
    Network to strongly speak ecological truth to intransigent




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