Poles demonstrate against Iraq and Afghanistan wars

This video is called Anti-war demo, 24.03.07. Warsaw, Poland.

From Xinhua news agency:

Poles stage anti-war protest in Warsaw

October 14, 2007

Several hundred anti-war protesters demonstrated in the center of Warsaw on Saturday, demanding the withdrawal of Polish troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and opposing deploying U.S. anti-missile system in Poland.

The demonstration was organized by the Polish “Stop War” organization.

The parade started from the square of the Scientific and Cultural Palace, passing the U.S. embassy in Poland and continued to the Parliamentary Building. Shouting the slogans, the protesters held the banners “stop capturing Iraq,” “pull out the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan,” “no U.S. anti-missile shield in Poland” and so on.

Since the outbreak of the Iraq war, the number of Polish troops in the country once reached 2,500 and currently stands at 900. More than 20 Polish servicemen have been killed in Iraq so far. In Afghanistan, there are about 1,200 polish soldiers.

According to a recent poll, nearly 80 percent of Poles disapprove of the country’s military presence in missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Update on Poland and Iraq: here.

US General Sanchez and Bush’s Iraq war: here.

Turkish government gives green light for military intervention in northern Iraq: here.

US air strikes kill 34 Iraqis: here.

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