House martins and roe deer

This is a video about De Stulp, Lage Vuursche, the Netherlands.

If, from the Dutch city of Hilversum, one goes south past the Wasmeer nature reserve, one arrives in another beautiful area, Lage Vuursche in Utrecht province.

There is much forest and heath there; eg, around De Stulp.

I heard many nuthatches calling today. Over the heath, many house martins and barn swallows flying together; preparing for autumn migration to maybe as far away as South Africa. Some swallows sat down on leafless tree branches.

Also, buzzard and jay.

De Stulp photos: here.

Still a bit more to the south, the Pluismeer lake is a nature reserve closed to the public. However, there is a hide with a view of the lake. Today, I saw a dabchick swimming there (or, maybe a black-necked grebe; it was far away, and both species occur at this lake). There were two roe deer as well.

Birds in the Netherlands: here.

1 thought on “House martins and roe deer

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