CIA rented mafia to murder Fidel Castro

This video is called The Mafia, CIA and George Bush (Part 1).

This is Part 2 of that video series.

Translated from Dutch NOS TV:

26 June 2007

CIA rented mafia to murder Castro

The CIA in 1960 contacted two of the most wanted criminals of the USA to murder Cuban leader Castro. In documents, released today under the Freedom of Information Act, it says black on white that the CIA joined forces with the mafia.

For the job, Johnny Roselli was selected, the owner of all freezing machines in Las Vegas. Roselli was told that the United States business community wanted to get rid of Castro, and was willing to pay 150,000 dollars for that.

The job was entrusted to two top mobsters. It was decided to poison Castro; however, on second thought, the two did not go ahead with it. Other attempts failed.

See also here.

Plans to murder Castro now: here.

Bob Woodward, CIA documents, and Watergate: here.

CIA ‘family jewels’: here.

And here.

And here.

CIA against Vietnam war protesters: here.

28 thoughts on “CIA rented mafia to murder Fidel Castro

  1. Jun 27, 7:49 AM EDT

    CIA plot to kill Castro detailed

    Associated Press Writer

    HAVANA (AP) — The CIA recruited a former FBI agent to approach two of America’s most-wanted mobsters and gave them poison pills meant for Fidel Castro during his first year in power, according to newly declassified papers released Tuesday.

    Contained amid hundreds of pages of CIA internal reports collectively known as “the family jewels,” the official confirmation of the 1960 plot against Castro was certain to be welcomed by communist authorities as more proof of their longstanding claims that the United States wants Castro dead.

    Communist officials say there have been more than 600 documented attempts to kill Castro over the decades. Now 80, Castro has not been seen in public since handing power to his younger brother Raul while recovering from intestinal surgery last July. But in a letter published on Monday, the elder Castro claimed without providing details that President Bush had “authorized and ordered” his killing.

    And while Cuban government press officials didn’t return a call seeking reaction Tuesday, the release of the newly declassified CIA documents had already been noted in state media.

    “Upon the orders of the White House, the Central Intelligence Agency tried to assassinate President Fidel Castro and other former personalities and leaders,” the Communist Party newspaper Granma said Saturday. “What was already presumed and denounced will be corroborated.”

    Other aborted U.S. attempts to kill Castro, who rose to power in January 1959 in a revolution that ousted dictator Fulgencio Batista, have been noted in other declassified documents.

    The papers released Tuesday were part of a report prepared at the request of CIA Director James Schlesinger in 1973, who ordered senior agency officials to tell him of any current or past actions that could potentially violate the agency’s charter.

    Some details of the 1960 plot first surfaced in investigative reporter Jack Anderson’s newspaper column in 1971.

    The documents show that in August 1960, the CIA recruited ex-FBI agent Robert Maheu, then a top aide to Howard Hughes in Las Vegas, to approach mobster Johnny Roselli and pass himself off as the representative of international corporations that wanted Castro killed because of their lost gambling operations.

    At the time, the bearded rebels had just outlawed gambling and destroyed the world-famous casinos American mobsters had operated in Havana.

    Roselli introduced Maheu to “Sam Gold” and “Joe.” Both were mobsters on the U.S. government’s 10-most wanted list: Momo Giancana, Al Capone’s successor in Chicago; and Santos Trafficante, one of the most powerful mobsters in Batista’s Cuba. The agency gave the reputed mobsters six poison pills, and they tried unsuccessfully for several months to have several people put them in Castro’s food.

    This particular assassination attempt was dropped after the failed CIA-sponsored Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba in April 1961. The CIA was able to retrieve all the poison pills, records show.


  2. Executive Action:
    634 Ways to Kill Fidel Castro
    By Fabián Escalante
    Executive Action: 634 Ways to Kill Fidel Castro, By Fabián Escalante

    The Secret War series

    In a highly readable and informative style, Fabián Escalante reviews over four decades of attempts to kill Fidel Castro—involving weapons that ranged from exploding cigars and poison pens to grenades and bazookas. As the former director of Cuban counterintelligence, Escalante played a significant role in frustrating many of these assassination plans, made by the CIA and the Mafia under a project codenamed “Executive Action.”

    Although melodramatic and at times quite comical, these plots were deadly serious—and illegal, as subsequent U.S. government inquiries such as the 1975 Church Commission concluded.

    Softcover, 231pp, The Secret War Series


  3. Palm Beach Post Editorial: Obama breaks Cuba line
    Posted by: “Compañero” chocoano05
    Tue Aug 28, 2007 5:32 am (PST)
    The Palm Beach Post

    Obama breaks Cuba line
    Palm Beach Post Editorial
    Monday, August 27, 2007

    Except for dust-ups over hypothetical crises, the eight Democratic
    presidential candidates had done little to distinguish themselves
    from each other on foreign policy until Barack Obama spoke out last
    week about the Cuba embargo. The Illinois senator knows 45 years of
    failed policy when he sees it. Sen. Obama said that if elected, he
    would end the embargo and lift the Bush administration’s travel
    restrictions on Cuban-American families. He correctly sees the
    isolation of the Cuban people as detrimental to advancing democracy
    on the island – “a humanitarian and strategic” mistake that has
    enabled Fidel Castro to keep his grip on power. “The primary means
    we have of encouraging positive change in Cuba today,” he said, “is
    to help the Cuban people become less dependent on the Castro regime
    in fundamental ways.” Usually, expressions of common sense don’t
    merit praise for courage. But politicians from both parties have
    been so intimidated by the Cuban exile community’s hard-liners – and
    so willing to pander to them – that reasonable policy has become a
    refreshing departure. No other Democrat in the field has broken with
    the Bush administration’s position, nor is one likely to.

    Front-runner Hillary Clinton issued a statement in response to Sen.
    Obama that reiterated her commitment to the status quo. Forcing the
    Cuban people to live under duress and separating them from their
    relatives does nothing to weaken Castro. On the contrary, it allows
    him to make the United States the scapegoat for his failures and
    ensures that Cubans will stay powerless to promote change. On
    Friday, the latest rumors of Castro’s death swept Miami. At some
    point, of course, the rumors will be true. When they are, the U.S.
    will be in a better position if our policy is more like Sen.

    Find this article at:


  4. US considered poisons for assassinations
    Posted by: “Compañero” chocoano05
    Mon Oct 8, 2007 8:16 pm (PST)

    US considered poisons for assassinations

    By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer

    In one of the longest-held secrets of the Cold War, the U.S. Army explored the potential for using radioactive poisons to assassinate “important individuals” such as military or civilian leaders, according to newly declassified documents obtained by The Associated Press.

    Approved at the highest levels of the Army in 1948, the effort was a well-hidden part of the military’s pursuit of a “new concept of warfare” using radioactive materials from atomic bombmaking to contaminate swaths of enemy land or to target military bases, factories or troop formations.

    Military historians who have researched the broader radiological warfare program said in interviews that they had never before seen evidence that it included pursuit of an assassination weapon. Targeting public figures in such attacks is not unheard of; just last year an unknown assailant used a tiny amount of radioactive polonium-210 to kill Kremlin critic Alexander Litvinenko in London.

    No targeted individuals are mentioned in references to the assassination weapon in the government documents declassified in response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the AP in 1995.

    The decades-old records were released recently to the AP, heavily censored by the government to remove specifics about radiological warfare agents and other details. The censorship reflects concern that the potential for using radioactive poisons as a weapon is more than a historic footnote; it is believed to be sought by present-day terrorists bent on attacking U.S. targets.

    The documents give no indication whether a radiological weapon for targeting high-ranking individuals was ever used or even developed by the United States. They leave unclear how far the Army project went. One memo from December 1948 outlined the project and another memo that month indicated it was under way. The main sections of several subsequent progress reports in 1949 were removed by censors before release to the AP.

    The broader effort on offensive uses of radiological warfare apparently died by about 1954, at least in part because of the Defense Department’s conviction that nuclear weapons were a better bet.

    Whether the work migrated to another agency such as the CIA is unclear. The project was given final approval in November 1948 and began the following month, just one year after the CIA’s creation in 1947.

    It was a turbulent time on the international scene. In August 1949, the Soviet Union successfully tested its first atomic bomb, and two months later Mao Zedong’s communists triumphed in China’s civil war.

    As U.S. scientists developed the atomic bomb during World War II, it was recognized that radioactive agents used or created in the manufacturing process had lethal potential. The government’s first public report on the bomb project, published in 1945, noted that radioactive fission products from a uranium-fueled reactor could be extracted and used “like a particularly vicious form of poison gas.”

    Among the documents released to the AP – an Army memo dated Dec. 16, 1948, and labeled secret – described a crash program to develop a variety of military uses for radioactive materials. Work on a “subversive weapon for attack of individuals or small groups” was listed as a secondary priority, to be confined to feasibility studies and experiments.

    The top priorities listed were:

    o 1 – Weapons to contaminate “populated or otherwise critical areas for long periods of time.”

    o 2 – Munitions combining high explosives with radioactive material “to accomplish physical damage and radioactive contamination simultaneously.”

    o 3 – Air and-or surface weapons that would spread contamination across an area to be evacuated, thereby rendering it unusable by enemy forces.

    The stated goal was to produce a prototype for the No. 1 and No. 2 priority weapons by Dec. 31, 1950.

    The 4th ranked priority was “munitions for attack on individuals” using radioactive agents for which there is “no means of therapy.”

    “This class of munitions is proposed for use by secret agents or subversive units for lethal attacks against small groups of important individuals, e.g., during meetings of civilian or military leaders,” it said.

    Assassination of foreign figures by agents of the U.S. government was not explicitly outlawed until President Gerald R. Ford signed an executive order in 1976 in response to revelations that the CIA had plotted in the 1960s to kill Cuban President Fidel Castro, including by poisoning.

    The Dec. 16, 1948, memo said a lethal attack against individuals using radiological material should be done in a way that makes it impossible to trace the U.S. government’s involvement, a concept known as “plausible deniability” that is central to U.S. covert actions.

    “The source of the munition, the fact that an attack has been made, and the kind of attack should not be determinable, if possible,” it said. “The munition should be inconspicuous and readily transportable.”

    Radioactive agents were thought to be ideal for this use, the document said, because of their high toxicity and the fact that the targeted individuals could not smell, taste or otherwise sense the attack.

    “It should be possible, for example, to develop a very small munition which could function unnoticeably and which would set up an invisible, yet highly lethal concentration in a room, with the effects noticeable only well after the time of attack,” it said.

    “The time for lethal effects could, it is believed, be controlled within limits by the amount of radioactive agent dispersed. The toxicities are such that should relatively high concentrations be required for early lethal effects, on a weight basis, even such concentrations may be found practicable.”

    Tom Bielefeld, a Harvard physicist who has studied radiological weapons issues, said that while he had never heard of this project, its technical aims sounded feasible.

    Bielefeld noted that polonium, the radioactive agent used to kill Litvinenko in November 2006, has just the kind of features that would be suitable for the lethal mission described in the Dec. 16 memo.

    Barton Bernstein, a Stanford history professor who has done extensive research on the U.S. military’s radiological warfare efforts, said he did not believe this aspect had previously come to light.

    “This is one of those items that surprises us but should not shock us, because in the Cold War all kinds of ways of killing people, in all kinds of manners – inhumane, barbaric and even worse – were periodically contemplated at high levels in the American government in what was seen as a just war against a hated and hateful enemy,” Bernstein said.

    The project was run by the Army Chemical Corps, commanded by Maj. Gen. Alden H. Waitt, and supervised by a now-defunct agency called the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project. The project’s first chief was Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, the Army’s head of the Manhattan Project that built the first atomic bombs. The radiological project was approved by Groves’ successor, Maj. Gen. Kenneth D. Nichols.

    The released documents were in files of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project held by the National Archives.

    Among the officials copied in on the Dec. 16 memo were Herbert Scoville, Jr., then the technical director of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project and later the CIA’s deputy director for research, and Samuel T. Cohen, a physicist with RAND Corp. who had worked on the Manhattan Project.

    The initial go-ahead for the Army to pursue its radiological weapons project was given in May 1948, a point in U.S. history, following the successful use of two atomic bombs against Japan to end World War II, when the military was eager to explore the implications of atomic science for the future of warfare.

    In a July 1948 memo outlining the program’s intent, before specifics had received final approval, a key focus was on long-lasting contamination of large land areas where residents would be told that unless the areas were abandoned they probably would die from radiation within one to 10 years.

    “It is thought that this is a new concept of warfare, with results that cannot be predicted,” it said.

    Copyright € ¦© 2007 The Associated Press.


  5. From: “”
    Sent: Monday, February 23, 2009 8:18 PM
    Subject: Che en Fidel

    (((((((((( ))))))))))
    Woensdag a.s op Nederland 2 om 23.30 uur:

    638 ways to kill Fidel Castro

    Woensdagavond een film van de Britse Documentaire maker Dollan Cannell. De
    film gaat over de aanslagen op Castro waarbij in de meeste gevallen de
    C.I.A. betrokken was. Er wordt ingezoomt op een groepje door de C.I.A.
    gesteunde Cubaanse ballingen in Miami. Ook gaat het over de
    terrorist/crimineel Luis Posada. Posada was van 1961-1967 in dienst van de
    C.I.A. Hij was de man achter de aanslag op een Cubaans vliegtuig in 1976
    waarbij 73 onschuldige Cubanen om het leven kwamen. Een andere terrorist die
    aan het woord komt is Orlando Bosch die zich toont voor de camera en trots
    is op zij daden. De filmmaker gaat in op de hypocrisie van de Amerikanen.
    Hoe kun je als land immers de oorlog verklaren aan het wereldwijde
    terrorisme ,en tegelijkertijd deze Cubaanse terroristen blijven steunen.


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