USA: animals and plants from the age of dinosaurs

This video from Utah in the USA says about itself:

Megapnosaurus unveiling

St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm

This unveiling took place in May 2013 and was another coordinated effort by paleontologists and artists to create a very accurate representation. One of our favorites!

From Deseret Morning News in the USA:

Site unveils daily lives of dinosaurs

By Joe Bauman

A squatting dinosaur left a butt-print in the mud. A pack of dinosaurs swam in water deep enough that their toes just scratched the bottom. Another was momentarily swept off its feet by the current.

These are among discoveries at the St. George dinosaur track site.

Some are mentioned briefly in a new scientific publication, while others there are described in detail.

The book is “The Triassic-Jurassic Terrestrial Transition,” just printed by the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Albuquerque.

The book’s 650 pages concern other fossil finds as well, but a great deal of information was dug out of the St. George site, which dates to around 199 million years ago.

The dinosaur footprints, bones, teeth and other animal and plant fossils fill a gap in the record between earlier and older sites in the Southwest. …

“It’s been called one of the top 10 largest collections of dinosaur tracks in the world,” Milner said.

The book pays tribute to St. George itself and people who helped in the discoveries.

According to a press release from the museum, these species are named in the volume’s scientific papers:

* Ceratodus stewarti, a lungfish named for Darcy Stewart, who donated land, work and equipment, according to Kirkland.

* Milnerite planus, a conifer named for Milner.

* Saintgeorgia jensenii, a conifer that would have grown in dense forests beside Lake Dixie, named for the city and Paul Jensen, a nearby landowner who donated specimens.

* Lissodus johnsonorum, a small freshwater shark named for Sheldon and LaVerna Johnson.

Dinosaur footprints in Spain: here.

2 thoughts on “USA: animals and plants from the age of dinosaurs

  1. Pingback: Shark-Eating Dino Fossil Found in Utah, USA | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: Dinosaurs got extinct, how about dinosaur age plants? | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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