Rare yellow-billed loon in the Netherlands

This video, recorded in Norway, says about itself:

White [or: Yellow] billed Diver Gavia adamsii

In the first part of the video, second-calendar year bird, Ekkeroy, with a resting Great northern diver and then adult in full breeding plumage, Vadso, Varanger fjord, Arctic Norway June 2008. One of our target species, far easier than expected with at least 5 birds seen, the first one being the nice adult in breeding suit!!

Dutch game wardens in Zeeland province report on their blog about a rare bird.

Recently, in the Grevelingen lake, bird counters saw a yellow-billed loon.

This species is seen more often in Siberia, Canada or Alaska, where it nests, than in the Netherlands. The last yellow-billed-loon in the Netherlands was in 2010. Probably, the bird will stay some time in the Grevelingen lake.

The loon attracted many birders: here.

See also here.

20 thoughts on “Rare yellow-billed loon in the Netherlands

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