Grey seal video

This is a video about grey seals along the Brouwersdam, Zeeland province, the Netherlands. Made on 15 februari 2011, by Nelly de Groot.

Waves and the perception power of seals: here.

Grey seals do not prevent cod recovery in the Baltic Sea: here.

Since 1951, wardens have been counting and tagging seal pups born on the Farne Islands off the Northumberland Coast. During this time, the number of pups born each year has trebled, from 500 to 1499, making it the largest English colony of Atlantic grey seals: here.

March 2013. A rare black seal pup is recovering in the Scottish SPCA’s care after being found struggling to survive on Aberdeen Beach. The pup, known as ‘Liquorice’, is actually a young male grey seal that was discovered by a member of the public; he was very weak and thin when discovered. His coat is jet black, which is very unusual for a seal of his kind: here.

Leona Lewis speaks out against Namibia seal hunt: here.

Namibia: Govt Misleading Public on Seals – Group: here.

4 thoughts on “Grey seal video

  1. Pingback: British Wildlife Photography Awards 2012 | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  2. Pingback: What freshwater seals eat | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: British grey seals in stormy weather | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  4. Pingback: Singing young grey seal Justin, video | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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