COVID-19 news, USA, France, Germany

This 12 May 2020 video says about itself:

Covid-19 America: Undocumented immigrants left to cope without safety net

The United States is facing an economic downturn not seen since the Great Depression.

But for the millions of undocumented immigrants – many working in essential roles, keeping the country going – there is no safety net, no government protection.

Yet President Trump continues to impose more curbs on immigration … . It’s left many of those without legal status living in constant fear.

Translated from Dutch NOS radio today:

In France, there are increasing reports that seasonal fruit pickers on farms are infected with the coronavirus. 5400 workers were tested in two departments near Marseille and Avignon, 300 of them tested positive. Nearly 800 seasonal workers were tested last week in the Montpellier area and 78 of them were found to be infected.

According to local trade unions, the infections have to do with the working methods and living conditions. Most workers are taken by intermediaries from countries such as Ecuador and Morocco, but also from Spain, where there are many infections. Packed in vans and without having been tested for coronavirus, they cross the border to France.

In southern France, they are sometimes housed under appalling conditions. “Some lie side by side on mattresses on the floor, with six or eight people in one room,” said one of the unions. One of the women who worked on the land said in the local press, “It was damp, there were flies everywhere and there were no toilets.”

The infected seasonal workers are taken care of and placed at separate addresses where they have to remain in isolation for two weeks.

770 new coronavirus cases in Germany

For the second day in a row, the number of registered coronavirus infections in Germany has risen sharply. The Robert Koch Institute reports 770 new infections. This brings the total number of infections in Germany to 188,543. There were 580 new cases of infection yesterday, 345 the day before.

The number of registered deaths has increased by 16. This brings the official death toll in Germany to 8872.

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