Coronavirus disaster in Trump’s USA, update

This 25 May 2020 video from the USA says about itself:

We completely blew it for the first two months of our response’ — This New York Times health and science reporter says Trump and incompetent leadership at the CDC are to blame for the COVID-19 mess in America.

In US news and current events today, Donald Trump says don’t blame him, blame China, but this reporter says blame Trump and the CDC chief while highlighting just how lax Trump’s approach has been.

WHO WARNS OF 2ND PEAK IF RESTRICTIONS LIFT TOO SOON The world is still in the middle of the first wave of the coronavirus outbreak, World Health Organization emergencies head Dr. Mike Ryan said, noting that while cases are declining in many countries they are still increasing in Central and South America, South Asia and Africa. Ryan said epidemics often come in waves, which means that outbreaks could come back later this year in places where the first wave has subsided. There was also a chance that infection rates could rise again more quickly if measures to halt the first wave were lifted too soon. [HuffPost]

TRUMP’S ECONOMIC ADVISER CALLS AMERICANS ‘HUMAN CAPITAL STOCK’ Trump’s senior economic adviser, Kevin Hassett, presented a cold view of the U.S. economic system, referring to American workers as “human capital stock”. In an interview on CNN, Hassett predicted that business would pick up again soon. “Our human capital stock is ready to get back to work,” he said, while admitting at the same time that the nation will continue to struggle with unemployment as high as 23% this month. [HuffPost]

Arkansas governor defends easing restrictions despite largest single-day rise.

CDC issues alarming triple-fatality report on coronavirus cases at Arkansas church.

Clergy says Trump’s push to open churches contradicts Jesus’ teachings to love thy neighbor.

TRUMP THREATENS TO MOVE GOP CONVENTION Trump threatened to relocate the upcoming Republican National Convention from North Carolina to another state if its Democratic governor doesn’t allow his party “full attendance” at the event. In a series of tweets, Trump targeted Gov. Roy Cooper for being “still in Shutdown mood” during the coronavirus pandemic, saying he would find a more accommodating state if Cooper doesn’t cave to his demand. [HuffPost]

VA GIVES 1,300 VETS UNPROVEN DRUG TOUTED BY TRUMP The Department of Veterans Affairs has been giving 1,300 veterans hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus since late March — even though the drug has not been proven to be effective against the illness and may even trigger fatal heart problems. In a study of 100,000 patients with COVID-19, patients who received hydroxychloroquine had a “significantly higher risk of death” compared to those who were not given the drug. “We were unable to confirm a benefit of hydroxychloroquine” on in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19, the researchers concluded. [HuffPost]

An indelible pandemic image: Trump, on a golf course, without a mask.

White House press secretary: Golf is not OK while the U.S. mourns (Trump‘s exempt though).

5 thoughts on “Coronavirus disaster in Trump’s USA, update

  1. United States

    Strike by Johnson Controls workers in Albany, Missouri

    Workers at the Johnson Controls plant in Albany, Missouri are on strike after rejecting a contract offer from management that workers said was unacceptable.

    There are 162 employees at the plant and the vast majority of them are participating in the strike. Workers cite excessive overtime, lack of hazard pay and lack of PPE. Sheet Metal Worker Local 2 said workers voted down a proposed contract May 15 by a massive majority. The old contract expired March 31.

    Workers are forced to work 10-12 hours a day seven days a week, with only one Saturday off per month. The workers have been labeled “essential” employees, forcing them to work during the pandemic with little protection.


  2. Pingback: Saudi and Trump regimes, COVID-19 kill Yemenis | Dear Kitty. Some blog

  3. Pingback: United States coronavirus disaster, deaths and cover-ups | Dear Kitty. Some blog

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